about the painting at the last chapter

beyblade August 27, 2024 12:08 pm

The painting is a reference to the loneliest whale in the world, nicknamed ‘52’. It was a whale that sang at a frequency of 52 Hertz, too high for other whales and too low for humans to hear. Its calls also had unpredictable patterns of repetition and frequency. Because the whale’s calls and behaviors were one of a kind, 52 was believed to have spent its life alone since its discovery in 1989 by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It broadcasted its calls to potential mates but had never been sited and its species unknown. There have been theories that perhaps the whale had a speech impediment, was deaf, or a new species. In 2022, it found a friend, another hybrid whale that sang at the same frequency. Scientists believe that there may be more whales that call at 52 Hz, and 52 might not be as isolated as previously thought.

if there’s any inaccuracies, lmk. all this is pulled from a couple google searches, paraphrased and condensed.
