I think there might be something about Doha. Mybe he was awakened first as player or mybe he's the real villain. Cus like you said he's too sus. Like the other tape might be Bada's tape? The one he hid so that Bada can play as player too.
Honestly there's so many theories not sure which one is real hahahah

You have a point. Or...it could also be that there are more players aside from Bada. He knew it. Took it. Then hid it, so that he'll be the only one on Bada's side. Also, I really find it suspicious how Doha's too strong? And the fact that he's the only one who can kill the killer is sus too. Like really. There should be a reason for that.
Everything has been on Bada's perspective, I need to see Doha's. I only read this because it was tagged as yaoi, I didn't see the horror theme. I hate horror. Especially slasher ones. Gore and all that, dreadful. But, this will be an exception I guess? I also kind of found it funny how Bada reacts whenever he was killed. Maybe because he got killed a lot of times that he doesn't feel anything anymore so it was just funny how he looked bored and so fed up whenever it happens. It still sad though.

Ouh that theory is nice too!
Yea i agree without it was weird that Doha is way too freaking strong. I mean physically he was just slightly bigger than others but others was just too weak in comparison. Or mybe we are overthinking and it could be plot armor HAHAH. Honestly i rlly hope he's not a villain or so cause I hate to see Bada lose hope :((
Same i hate horror too this was literally the only exception cause it seems interesting.
Somebody explain to me the tape inside doha's bag? Like I get that one of the tape is the dude's who was sitting in the passenger seat next to doha. But the other tape is whose? And why did Doha reacted intensely when Bada's cousin found out about the tapes? I don't know if it was just nothing or it talks about something because honestly I'm a bit slow when it comes to picking up hints. Also, is Doha genuinely doing things to help Bada?
Andddd It was kinda sus when they went to the abandoned house for the first time and Bada felt that it was familiar, he even was sure it was a study. Now, what if he's one of the family member? Want to take revenge? Then did some kind of occult thingy to repeat time again and again? Or what if that killer was Doha all along? An alter ego? Doppelganger? From the past? Okay I'm literally making my own story line here but eh.