Crazy ass psycho bitch has a side story…of course

Addy August 26, 2024 10:37 am

Me skipping every single side story of chowon because I hate that bitch. And idk how anyone could. Almost got someone raped and broke someone else’s leg broken. Not redeemable in my book

    Dark_The_Dumbass_Spoon August 27, 2024 1:03 pm

    I think you should give the side stories a chance. They show a different-ish side of Chowon that kind of explains why he was the way he was (at least to me they did) ╮(.-.)╭. He apologizes for his actions and tries to change.

    It was also shown in the side stories that Chowon didn't actually break the guy's leg; he broke it when he fell trying to run away from Chowon, who was trying to talk to him.

    What he did to Heesoo was fucked up and you don't have to forgive him for that; not even Heesoo does, but his story is totally worth reading. You don't have to read his story if you don't want to, but they do show a lot of info about Chowon and also some cute moments of the other characters (=・3・=)

    zelulu August 29, 2024 6:45 pm

    I don't really like him either, seeing that Heesoo's my favourite character, but I love how much character development he got (⌒▽⌒)