1. U dumb as hell bruh being a red flag is not equivalent to being a sexual assaulter. 2. That was not the only reason Leo was interested in him. He actually liked him. 3. Just because you’re sex buddies doesn’t mean consent isn’t a thing don’t be birdbrained. And you’re like quite the moron to say that they’re equals because one of them might appear selfish, and the other one literally forced himself on him like wth???

1) is it so difficult for you to let someone have their own ideas without insult? I said for now I'm on JJ's side even though he has his responsibilities. Do the two talk? No. Do the two respect each other? No. Just because Leo likes JJ is it okay for him to behave like this? If you're only interested in fucking someone because you need to keep them close to win, you're no better person. Yes JJ is no better than Leo, he takes what he wants without asking and is angry. He has his responsibilities for their relationship. 2) I know the difference between sexual abuse and red flags, but if you talk to me about JJ as a red flag I know you haven't read other stories where there really are red flags with real scene of grape and abuse. Neither JJ or Leo are real red flags, they are just idiotic, proud men and they will pay for their stubbornness and their action.
3) If you expect beautiful things like love stories, don't read manwha of this genre. Reality is one thing, fiction is another.
If I met someone like Leo or JJ in my life would throw a chair in their face and run away asap
... fuck buddies? Are you stupid?
But I can understand JJ frustration and anger.
When you understand that you are only used for sex, the worst side of yourself comes out. For the moment I am on JJ's side even though he has some responsibilities