It's a typical story structure really. Starts out wholesome, dips into dark themes, gets even darker, but eventually comes back to being wholesome (well... Fluffy?) at the end. Personally I feel like this isn't that bad yet, like this is literally their first disagreement. Pure hearted Sori found the boss that she likes with another woman and it made her remember what kinda sex life her boss prefers. I imagine that this is the start of what I'm calling the "You wanted sex god? I'll give you sex god" arc lol. I see Iseul being all "wait I want my purehearted Sori back" after the sex, and that's where the next conflict of the story is gonna be. Ofc I'm just guessing based in how the previous stories I've read were structured.
Frankly tho, compared to the author's other work THIS IS STILL VERY WHOLESOME. XD In the author's other work both top and bottom were horrible people, top was just more horrible.
Commenters acting like Iseul got raped. Isn't this what people call "angry sex"? She kept saying no coz she knows Sori is mad at her. I'm just gonna guess but after the angry sex they're either gonna be awkward for a while or have a fight. The author's