maybe the teacher thinks Skylar is bullying Cirrus?

friedwontons August 25, 2024 5:37 am

First, I don't think that's the pedo elementary school teacher. I think the teacher is actually concerned for Cirrus, at least since ep 89 when Cirrus said he rather be at school than home. My guess is that when the teacher pulled Cirrus aside to talk personally in ep 102, Cirrus lied and said he got into a fight at the convenience store (mix truth with lie) bc he didn't want tell him that Skylar beat him up (lmao) in ep 101. I guess that way if the teacher inquires more, Cirrus can say Skylar was there? So Cirrus and him have already talked before and Cirrus had no negative reaction towards him.

Possibly the teacher thinks Skylar is a bully? The teacher saw Skylar throwing the first punch in the convenience store fight (95-96) and even coming up from behind with a fist full of rage, and before that Skylar was loading up at the checkout with food and choco milk for the housewarming party. So the teacher thinks "maybe he's extorting Cirrus", who has been perceived by others as feminine, girly, skinny, frail.

And now the teacher sees Skylar with fancy new shoes...hmm

This could very well be a reach tho

    Nobodyhome August 25, 2024 7:46 am

    Erm honey it’s already been explained the teacher is MR LEE! Wtf are u on with “pedo teacher”?! Do u even read the story?!

    PanDeBono August 25, 2024 8:14 am
    Erm honey it’s already been explained the teacher is MR LEE! Wtf are u on with “pedo teacher”?! Do u even read the story?! Nobodyhome

    if you reread what op said, through context clues you can understand that they were clarifying to others that he was not the pedo teacher. nowhere in their comment do they indicate that they themself believe him to be. and if you scroll through other comments, you can see some ppl confused about that being the pedo teacher or not. so op was just leaving a detailed explanation on why he isn’t the pedo teacher and theorizing what he may be thinking. seems like you’re the illiterate one, nobody rlly is home up there in your head huh

    Nobodyhome August 25, 2024 9:04 am
    if you reread what op said, through context clues you can understand that they were clarifying to others that he was not the pedo teacher. nowhere in their comment do they indicate that they themself believe hi... PanDeBono

    I am sorry honey boo but there have already been pages back dedicated to explaining who MR LEE is!!! The OP could have just gone back instead of explaining the same shit again

    tokotoko August 25, 2024 9:24 am

    Aren’t those Skylar’s old worn out shoes though? Maybe he could recognize them because it’s the same shoes Skylar wore during the fight?

    friedwontons August 25, 2024 11:29 pm
    Aren’t those Skylar’s old worn out shoes though? Maybe he could recognize them because it’s the same shoes Skylar wore during the fight? tokotoko

    that too!

    friedwontons August 25, 2024 11:36 pm
    I am sorry honey boo but there have already been pages back dedicated to explaining who MR LEE is!!! The OP could have just gone back instead of explaining the same shit again Nobodyhome

    even if Mr. Lee's identity has already been discussed in pages back, you could still see some ppl wondering about that in the recent pages right?? not everyone is going to browse through every single comments like you lmao. and out of all the things to reply to under my comment, you choose the one small thing that I barely talk about since it isn't even the main point of my comment. is there nobodyhome in your brain?!? you don't need to be so rude either, is it that serious honey?

    PanDeBono August 26, 2024 2:57 pm
    I am sorry honey boo but there have already been pages back dedicated to explaining who MR LEE is!!! The OP could have just gone back instead of explaining the same shit again Nobodyhome

    ok babe imma need you to clean your ears out and open your eyes real wide for this comment since you clearly ignored my original one. op was NOT saying they believe mr. lee to be the pedo teacher. they were explaining to others WHY HE IS NOT the pedo as SOME PPL were confused. do you understand now or do you want me to talk to you like you’re a child in the next comment? don’t worry, i dont mind educating dumbasses online

    and rlly there is no need to come off so hostile, there is always an option to calmly type your point and everyone can calmly respond. unless your goal is to troll then go off ig

    Francis_Crimson August 27, 2024 9:12 pm
    Erm honey it’s already been explained the teacher is MR LEE! Wtf are u on with “pedo teacher”?! Do u even read the story?! Nobodyhome

    Honey stfu with your condescending attitude lol did you say "honey poo", how stupid. How old are you?