I had a boyfriend who was this obsessed with me. I thought it was fun too until it got so bad, I couldn't go one minute without him blowing up my phone, demanding to know where I was, what I was doing, and who I was with. He started fights with all my friends, demanded that I don't see them again, threw tantrums when I tried to do anything by myself.
I ended up spending every waking moment fighting him and trying to get him to leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone. For. Five. Minutes. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and turned off my phone. Motherfucker immediately showed up at my house and started pounding on the door, deamnding to be let in and started screaming for me. The cops were almost called on us and I almost got asked to move out because of him.
He derailed my professional life too by throwing tantrums and saying things to my colleagues to get me taken off projects whenever I got gigs that required me to be away from him or spend time with other men.
It is absolutely not as fun as it looks in the manga
╥﹏╥ why can't someone be this obsessed with me too