authors response:
For those who are still stuck on this, please just go read a fairytale where everyone is perfect and nothing bad ever happens. If you can't handle the complexities of characters with flaws, then you're better off sticking to stories where everything is sugarcoated and wrapped up in a neat little bow
I’m not comparing anyone with Jooha? did you even read what I wrote? Dooshik could have taken revenge without rape he could have just simply tortured the guy but it made his character perverted for no reason because why would you want to do that to a person revenge or not. I’m not saying what the twins did was okay and no where did I compare what they went through to what Jooha went through I’m just stating what DOOSHIK did. What they did was horrible and they deserved to die not be raped.
What the heck ? Dooshik, would never have been that forceful in a million years in the main story, and that’s what made him so special as a ML. Idk what’s going through the author’s head. :(