I'm half asleep but this should be correct-
1)Duke Owen is the cousin, Regent, and crush of King Durant. He's trying to preserve the Genista line being King of Esland.
2a)Raman is a closer relative to King Durant as his first cousin. Owen doesn't want a foreigner to have claim to the throne so Owen's people are sending assassins to kill him off
2b) Duke Cináed's grandpa Rupert was kind of Northland. Owen was supposed to join the 2 nations but didn't. He claims Northland has Rupercites trying to kill King Durant and put Cináed on the throne to combine Northland and Esland
3) Cináed & group of trying to get Raman on the throne of Esland

Np. I didn't see that last part about Cináed. He's probably fine. I think Owen harassing him will backfire. He's given both Raman and Cináed incredible backstories that will resonate with the commonfolk and nobles. There's only 3 people who don't like Cináed- Owen (cause he's an idiot), Keswick (jealous/worthless step cousin), and Isaac (because he wants Albin/Lou). If they do get King Durant & Owen to step down and Raman is made King, then as the best friend/almost brother of the new king, Cináed will probably have more authority. I wouldn't be surprised if Raman put Devon and Cináed on his counsel in some way.
I wish I could understand:
1. The political situation in which the story takes place.
2. Kidnar and Shahid status and political position there.
3. What Kidnard's small group is fighting for.
I have a feeling that Kidnard will lose status and possessions for some political reason in the future.