so from what i read, the uke did NOT want to have sex raw but the seme was an asshole and did it anyway and the uke got preggers bc sex education is apparently as bad in korea in an omegaverse as it is in the us and he didn't know he could still conceive.
initially he wanted to abort bc he wanna be living that free life but it'd come at a huge cost to his health and future quality of life. so he decided to keep it and wanted to get the seme involved, but wasn't sure how the seme was gonna respond so he put some tentative feelers out.
the seme was a DICK who didn't think anyone would get preggers by him since he was so ~cautious~ and would force them to abort if he found out that they somehow did. so the uke said deuces, bc by that logic he'd be forced to abort. going by the seme's personality, the uke didn't think the seme would care about his health issues either. so he didn't run way, he left bc he didn't want to take the seme's crap. he ended up taking a trip somewhere bc he was overwhelmed and needed space.
the seme didn't understand why he was being ghosted and treated w disdain and through a bunch of crap found out that the uke was referring to himself when he asked the hypothetical random person getting preggers question. dude concluded he was in love with the uke and needed to set things straight so he jettisons to the uke's vaycay spot.
upon finding the uke the seme let him know he knew what was up. the uke very reasonably freaked out bc he thought the seme was a Crazy Ass Bitch that scoped him out to make him give the baby up and call him a gold digging ho.
after some weak-ass placation the seme was able to convince the uke that he wasn't out to get him and he actually wanted to be together and keep the baby bc he was experiencing ~love~. so the uke decided to give the seme one more shot since his life wasn't gonna be in mortal peril anymore.
but tbh i don't think there was any misunderstanding bc the seme said what he said and meant it and only made an exception for the uke out of ~love~. he's actually a crazy mofo. the novel was mad nonchalant about it but this guy put surveillance on the uke's house, practically did aggravated assault on a bar boy to get info about the uke, and was definitely gonna force the uke to abort if the kid wasn't gonna be his. he also never reflected on how problematic his views or actions were.
idk if you could tell but i feel some type of way about the seme. uke just wanted to eat fried chicken, play mobile games, and have mind shattering sex until the end of his days.
tldr; it wasn't a typical runaway. also the seme's an asshole.

holy shit first of all thank you sooo much for replying!! this was such a well-articulated and helpful summary! i would personally never be able to summarize something this well lmaoo esp cuz it sounds like there was a LOT of stuff to break down. also seeing someone on this website speak with so much coherency and maturity is lowkey giving me whiplash cause i haven’t seen that often with my experiences on hereif u ever had to write a summary for school i hope they gave u an A++!!!!! and second of all damn after reading that i totally agree with ur thoughts on the seme. bros definitely got some screws loose. unfortunately though crazy semes and cool ukes are right up my alleylike the sadistic beauty side story i gobbled that shit upand it sounds like the uke later on in the story doesn’t change much from how he’s like right now so i’ll cross my fingers and hope that doesn’t change!! but once again tysm for the amazing summary!!!
I finished the first season on another site and I read some spoilers from the novel I’m just gonna say it’s gonna be a loonnnggggg ride