Now I understand why Seme is stupid

LemonPyong August 24, 2024 11:51 am

The story is historical.
Which is why, most instances are simple and straightforward.
In the past, people of authority should be regarded as such regardless of the crimes they have committed.
They are usually left unpunished.
Thus the spoiled, dumb scumbag Semes personality.

The humiliation he felt when Uke divorced him was actually a strong blow to his ego, which was so satisfying to see lol.

People of stature would rather die than be humiliated in public, that’s why Uke chose to publicly divorce hin, as a form of revenge.
Because, no matter how much he was wronged, an ordinary person should never take revenge upon their master. And Uke knew this, ao his best revenge was to make the Seme realize and feel how “insignificant” he was to the Uke. This the burning of all things related to Seme.

The Seme’s spoiled personality is actually rather realistically portrayed.
He grew up as a spoiled child, so he lacked wisdom.
He literally thinks like how a spoiled child would.

So yeah, that’s why he’s so narcissistic and egotistical.
So fuck him.

Also, spoiler: don’t expect any satisfying redemption arc, there’s not much lol.
