Had to take a break to vent *whew* just finished the bad bitch Gaeul and fuckwad can’t b...

Irrational Hater August 24, 2024 8:26 am

Had to take a break to vent *whew* just finished the bad bitch Gaeul and fuckwad can’t bother to remember his name red head story arc and man do I have mixed feelings. How Gaeul dealt with those bullies was *chefs kiss* I was so scared she was gonna be a saint and not go through with leaking that exposé recording of plastic girl and wannabe gangsters true selves, BUT she did and I’m so happy. I was even pleasantly surprised that she left that bitch at the bottom of the stairs without calling 911, but disappointed that she said she felt guilty for not calling 911 but oh well good enough. And I loved how SHE was the one to end their relationship and made the good move to leave so she could heal more. I was gonna be upset if she settled for someone like him.

Onto the red headed dipshit, omg I HATED HATED HATED this stupid mf with his half ass “redemption” arc. Idc if he realized his bullying ways was wrong, it’s too little too late. He might’ve changed from being an unintentional bully in elementary into someone decent, but I refuse to believe he was blind to his friends bullying antics. Honestly seeing his character pissed me off so I quickly read through his scenes, but I remember reading ab Gaeul seeing him beat his friends up in HS and I’m assuming it’s bc he was punishing them for bullying others. You are not a good person if you are friends with bullies. And when he said Gaeul stunk in HS?!? Immediately no. I’m not sure of the context behind this bc I again, I skimmed past his scenes, but it had Gaeul covered in trash and him staying it stinks here, and that’s enough for me to hate him. BUT the worst thing he’s done, is forget ab Gaeul’s existence, and calling his past self rowdy and a troublemaker… nvm the I just remembered, the worst thing he’s done is call 911 for that bitch. He’s the saint. I fucking hate saints. Whether he meant to or not, he caused harm and lifelong trauma to others and he got the ending he deserved. I hope I don’t see him in the new sequel that just came out. I hope Gaeul is living her best life in England with a nice British bf lol

    Irrational Hater August 24, 2024 9:41 am

    Finished it and god fucking dammit why why why did they end hinting at Gaeul and redheads reblossoming love. Before that last chapter I was pretty ok with subin now or whatever bc *ahem* I might’ve overreacted bc he aint THAT bad but still my least fav from the rotating main character cast. But seeing him and her together reignited my hate bc I wanted better for her and why does it seem like Jaemin is flattered that ab euchane liking him back when in the sequel he and that cutie black hair girl seemed to be hitting it off???