I mean, it was hot & short

Jani <3 August 24, 2024 7:45 am

For a simple 10 chapters it was good. Risbel did kinda piss me off, I really didn’t like his best friend either but I did like Kendon & Nia (well Nia not so much cause he did some pretty nasty things ngl, but at the same time he is a demon. Like no one is expecting him to be a good guy).

I mostly loved the main three’s (Risbel, Nia, & Kendon) character designs. Stunning. I also kinda understand people saying they more so shipped Risbel with Nia due to the fact that there really wasn’t much of a romantic relationship with Kendon… like at all. But with Nia I also don’t see one since he seems pretty self centered and not like he’d genuinely care much for anyone unless they benefited him.

All in all; Kendon is hot asf, & it’s 3:45am so I’m going to sleep. Gn chat
