Bl recommendations
A comic similar to MHA/Assassination Classroom? High school bg with the kid...
need bl/yaoi recommendations ASAP
A little help
I need a smoke damn
something like this where th...
a bl that has the genius older mentor x younger mentee dynamic pls!
manga or novels
Recommend me smth
was I the asshole for laughing at a special needs kid
so I was really sick today at school like throwing up so I had to go to the nurse for last period and so then I had to share a room (the rooms had two nurse beds with curtains) and on the otherside of the curtain I kept hearing these noises, like moaning and groaning and in my sickened state I couldnt help but giggle the whole time and when the day came to an end I opened the bed curtain and it turned out I was laughing at a special needs kid with severe autism in a wheelchair who was recovering from a seizure.
am I the asshole?