brother what happened

seabi August 23, 2024 10:32 pm

brother what happened

    Ayala August 23, 2024 10:48 pm

    Real because how can people not see this is very clearly rape????

    seabi August 23, 2024 10:50 pm
    Real because how can people not see this is very clearly rape???? Ayala

    OMG YESSS i was like « wtf why nobody’s commenting about the rape ???? » and + it’s his first time omg poor him

    Ayala August 23, 2024 10:54 pm
    OMG YESSS i was like « wtf why nobody’s commenting about the rape ???? » and + it’s his first time omg poor him seabi

    NO FR FINALLYYYYYY like it makes me not wanma read it anymore tbh bcs wtf happend

    asialisek August 23, 2024 11:02 pm

    rough sex, not rape. it's ok, but DEFINITELY Dooshik could have dialled it down a ....lot.

    satohru August 23, 2024 11:12 pm
    rough sex, not rape. it's ok, but DEFINITELY Dooshik could have dialled it down a ....lot. asialisek

    yeah calling just anything rape is diminishing what it really is like both of them wanted this jooha just didnt expect it to be that rough and exhausting lmao and he’s reexperiencing things he’s just not used to feeling these intense sensations anymore

    Maliacam August 23, 2024 11:23 pm
    rough sex, not rape. it's ok, but DEFINITELY Dooshik could have dialled it down a ....lot. asialisek

    The minute somebody says they want to stop and you don't, it's rape. It doesn't matter if their body still responds, obviously it will, what matters is that he clearly wanted to stop because he was tired and dooshik didn't respect that. One thing would be for him to say: "stop" once out of panic for the feeling being new. But he continuously repeats he wants to stop, but dooshik keeps going. That's rape. Doesn't matter if he wanted to have sex with dooshik at first. Consent is not something you give and can't take back. You should ALWAYS be allowed to stop when you want.

    sosa August 23, 2024 11:28 pm
    The minute somebody says they want to stop and you don't, it's rape. It doesn't matter if their body still responds, obviously it will, what matters is that he clearly wanted to stop because he was tired and do... Maliacam

    yall finally found a new word to throw around and call any fictional character a rapist at any given opportunity huh

    seabi August 23, 2024 11:39 pm
    rough sex, not rape. it's ok, but DEFINITELY Dooshik could have dialled it down a ....lot. asialisek

    i don’t agree. he was crying the whole time and even tried to run away and also said « please don’t please stop » which is ………. RAPPPPPPEEEEE

    seabi August 23, 2024 11:40 pm
    yeah calling just anything rape is diminishing what it really is like both of them wanted this jooha just didnt expect it to be that rough and exhausting lmao and he’s reexperiencing things he’s just not us... satohru

    yes ofc so running away and saying no is also diminishing ? ;(((( i mean girl you need to communicate during sex, a simple are you okay ? from doo idk what would’ve been better and maybe jooha could’ve calm down and actually enjoy it

    seabi August 23, 2024 11:41 pm
    The minute somebody says they want to stop and you don't, it's rape. It doesn't matter if their body still responds, obviously it will, what matters is that he clearly wanted to stop because he was tired and do... Maliacam


    seabi August 23, 2024 11:42 pm
    yall finally found a new word to throw around and call any fictional character a rapist at any given opportunity huh sosa

    well he did rape his lover so now he’s considered a rapist… i mean, irl u rape someone you’re a rapist that’s all that’s how non cons work

    seabi August 23, 2024 11:43 pm
    NO FR FINALLYYYYYY like it makes me not wanma read it anymore tbh bcs wtf happend Ayala

    no but like fr js what happened omg i was so excited about the new chapter and then i saw …. this

    sosa August 23, 2024 11:46 pm
    well he did rape his lover so now he’s considered a rapist… i mean, irl u rape someone you’re a rapist that’s all that’s how non cons work seabi

    no he didnt that was rough sex girl go have sex stop doesn’t necessarily always mean stop

    seabi August 23, 2024 11:50 pm
    no he didnt that was rough sex girl go have sex stop doesn’t necessarily always mean stop sosa

    ummmmmm UMM please go touch some grass seek help etc because that is REALLY dangerous. it’s not rough sex at all, he was terrified and literally ran away begging him to stop. if someone does that in irl and u continue then that’s rape… like yes i get it when u say stop but it’s because it’s good etc u don’t mean it etc but HERE he BEGS him to stop and cries because he was scared. he even literally passed out like ????? that is not rought sex stop please wtf

    sosa August 23, 2024 11:54 pm
    ummmmmm UMM please go touch some grass seek help etc because that is REALLY dangerous. it’s not rough sex at all, he was terrified and literally ran away begging him to stop. if someone does that in irl and ... seabi

    all i hear from ts is that u never experienced rough sex and u r more w the vanilla sex and being careful what to say while having sex girl i promise u with everything they’ve been through he would know if jooha really wanted to stop

    seabi August 23, 2024 11:56 pm
    all i hear from ts is that u never experienced rough sex and u r more w the vanilla sex and being careful what to say while having sex girl i promise u with everything they’ve been through he would know if j... sosa

    u don’t know anything about me first of all and then HE RAN AWAY U DUMBFUCK OMG IM NOT EVEN TRYNNA SWEAR BUT UR SO DUMB ITS TESTING MY PATIENCE girl please please pleaseeeeeee he ran awayyyy that is not rough sex helppp

    sosa August 24, 2024 12:05 am
    u don’t know anything about me first of all and then HE RAN AWAY U DUMBFUCK OMG IM NOT EVEN TRYNNA SWEAR BUT UR SO DUMB ITS TESTING MY PATIENCE girl please please pleaseeeeeee he ran awayyyy that is not roug... seabi

    he was overwhelmed is the word we use actually and if u actually had rough sex you’d know girl u can calm down it was rough sex its rough for a reason

    seabi August 24, 2024 12:07 am
    he was overwhelmed is the word we use actually and if u actually had rough sex you’d know girl u can calm down it was rough sex its rough for a reason sosa

    eh vas-y sayer tsais quoi j’ai trop la flemme d’argumenter carrément jsusi choquee j’sais mm plus quoi dire

    sosa August 24, 2024 12:13 am
    eh vas-y sayer tsais quoi j’ai trop la flemme d’argumenter carrément jsusi choquee j’sais mm plus quoi dire seabi

    speak englisch or shut it and i advise you again go have rough sex and cone back to me

    seabi August 24, 2024 12:15 am
    speak englisch or shut it and i advise you again go have rough sex and cone back to me sosa

    brother you’re saying shut it when you were the one replying to my comment in the first place js okay babe you’re right you’re right la honte