i was just eating my Mars Bars until I read this...
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
i wouldn't try it enough to satisfy my curiosity. there could be many problems and incidents that may happen. maybe getting arrested?.. would i want that? smh, hell no. instead, i would probs draw or write a story about me penetrating another guy lol ( ̄∇ ̄")

I am from indonesia too and I actually feel bad reading yaoi you know. There are a lot of yaoi stories consist of incest, rape, or prostitution or kidnapping, and torture. When i read the real case from news, it always makes me feel bad about myself, because in some part i enjoy those stories a lot that i read from yaoi.
I don't know if by reading yaoi we can turn gay or if reading shota make us turn into pedophille, because i read yaoi and sometimes read shota but in real live i never feel any attraction to women or feel any unhealthy attraction to children. I can say that i can differentiate the situations between a mere fantasy and reality. And no, i sometimes read shota but dont understand it's shota because let's be honest, uke is always potrayed as smaller than seme, so i just read shota thinking it's a usuall yaoi and end up facepalming when i found out that it's actually shotta T_T
As a woman, i dont have dick or anything (sometimes i wish i had one too), i dont know how it feels to be man with their huge hunger of sex (Men loves sex, right) As a woman, we can control our sex hunger better than man because we're already conditioned that way even from childhood (by parents and society to not letting our sexual desire shown because it's shameful)
I think those guys (pedophille and rapist) can't control their own thoughts and let their body control their actions so in the end they did immoral thingss. They didnt have any idea how to be 'done' they only understand how to 'do' it and release their satisfactions without thinking over the victim's pain and condition.
In yaoi and real lives, rape is potrayed differently. In real live, rape is done because the rapist want to release their 'hunger of sex' and also want to show the victims the power they have to make the victim feel vulnerable, in real live rapist treat the victims like object, but in yaoi rape is potrayed as a thing for seme/top do to show his loves to uke/bottom. Fujoshi itselves are consist of women who is hungry for drama, handsome men and sex, things that fujoshi can not get in real life so we want to feel some kind of thrill by reading yaoi and yaoi gives it by showing a rich handsome man who will do anything to get uke even raping uke. Seme always shows their possessive loves toward uke, when in reality fujoshi wants someone as perfect as seme to chase them possessively too that's why fujoshi loves yaoi. Yaoi is for fujoshi's enjoyment and to fill emptiness the real live can't give.
I think all human are actually sexual, the only things that makes us different is how we control ourselves and how we have sense another people's feelings and pain. Someone who has been taught moral from childhood won't hurt another people (by raping, kidnapping, or torturing) other people (men, women or children) just because their body is 'hungry' and wants it. They will always come back to their sense and control themselves.
Just my 2 cents.

K well I'm going to say something I never told any1 cos anonymity of the internet ftw, I'm a guy and is 20 now but when I was in grade two or grade three don't really remember but on the way home from school someone did it to me and I had no idea what had happened but it hurt a lot and was scary. Turns out he probably followed me from school cos I took a different way to get home and he found me again later and took me to his home and did it and then he was crying after and it never happened again. I was so scared to go to school but every time after he did it he said that if I told anyone he would do it to my friend and kill them. I don't remember to much about it but I remember being extremely confused like what is happening.
So I think it might be the same problem with what your talking about were they were threatened and they also have no clue what is happening and that might be why it went undiscovered. I only knew that it was rape when I was like 16.
Btw I'm asexual and idk if it cos of that or not D: , but don't think it was. Plus I like reading yaoi and shonen ai since like 2 years ago, even if they have rape in it as plot device.

that's why I said not everyone WISE or SMART Enough. There are a lot of people out there who willing to do sumething stupid or forbidden for the SAKE of pleasure or just for FUN. I feel satisfied just by fantasizing in my head.

I don't think reading or watching things w rape/pedophilia/etc makes anyone do anything. But I do think the more you expose yourself to such contents the more likely you are to become desensitized to them. People who rape and prey on younger children are another thing, chances are they were going to do it without te influence of media. But as for everyone else, I think what media we consume can shape our reaction to what abusers do. If we start to normalize the romanticization of rape/pedophilia, it can cause abusers to feel more safe doing such acts and us to put more pressure on the victims to stop the acts from happening.

I totally feel the same, it feels wrong but at the same time it feels good. Call me hypocrite, eventhough I enjoy Yaoi I dont agree with homosexuality, but I'm not prejudice so I wont despise them, I respect them for their choice, its their life, Who am I to judge? I am a Sinner not a Saint. TBH, if Yaoi is the real world I would probably biting my nail while burning with jealousy bcause all the BEST Guys happened to be Gays, whats there left for me? we are short in men stock afterall. LOL. yeah yeah I'm just a petty narrow minded woman.
We are all have a dark twisted desire inside, thats why we read yaoi to satisfy our hunger for something we cant do or have. I watch a lot of porn to release my sexual frustration, having sex before marriage is forbidden, not to mention STD and HIV is lurking everywhere. sometimes I hate the fact that I was born in this country but at least I'm grateful I didnt live in America since being a virgin is considering as a shame.

I'm sorry to hear that. a child is an easy prey, they can easily manipulated, persuaded and threatened to.
you being asexual I think it was related to the past, sometimes we dont realize we have a trauma bcause our mind tried to block it like it never happened in the first place. all I know, I somehow became perverted, I didnt even know what masturbate was back then but I've done that since elementary school, I just squeezed my thigh together though. and somewhat I have molest fetish. a trauma doesnt mean you feel repulsed by the act, there is a time you feel the opposite. I read a comment before about someone who hate shota but continue to read it bcause the same thing has done to him and he cant get hard unless he read it.
I dont agree when someone said man getting raped is not a big problem like a woman getting raped since they have nothing to lose. Its very awful either way. you should seek for profesional help, I know you feel just Fine and living just well, but just like a physical scars, if it left untreated it could lead into an infection later on.

is that so? well, my government has banned the media and performer to support LGBT in any possibble ways or look like them and even joke about them is prohibited, they even blocked the websites that contains pornography, I cant even acces mangafox anymore, I used to read manga there.
the statistic said there is a correlation between pornography content with the increase rate of Rape and Pedophile, especially these days, with all the tech and internet the pedohile could easily lure his victim using facebook.

Does anyone know thr name of the manga where there are childhood friends but one of them slreps eith the older brother of the other friend bc he thinks his love is unrequited. All i remmeebrt is that the younger brother finds out and theres a scene where hes super skinny and asks to be his brothers replacemnt although he is the one the other one truly likes and his childhood friend is really turned off and sad...pls help!!!

just want share some thoughts, I am from Indonesia too, and I don't think the rapist satisfy their hunger just because they have been exposed by Japanese porn through mangas or anime, I mean, in our country, gay or shota anime and manga still not popular enough (or taboo I think) other than Adult Video that it have more chance to be browsed even by elementary student..
I have watched some of the news, and isn't the rapist mostly from rural or slum area so that means, they barely can't get theirselves well internet connection, or even if they have, they mostly don't get enough education in way they can understand english.. cause the site of the yaoi mangas still not translated in Indonesia (this just my analysis)
and I don't think people who like reading yaoi may turn to be rapist cause the item they read,, it may have a chance,, well depend on how they can control their sane over desire

I've been in a similar situation to the person you replied to. I was molested by a distant cousin of mine throughout my childhood up until I was 14. I'll never truly know why but I don't believe the that the media had any influence on why it happened. He lived in a bad community with high crime rates and low health/mental treatment. I think he had some issues with his family and school and used me as an outlet for his frustration because I was vulnerable. He likely did not get the urge from watching tv, reading manga or playing video games. I think if there was more counseling available in the community things might have been different. Manga is not the source of the problem. Censoring manga will not reduce crime in areas where crime is an epidemic.

Seeking professional help does not always make a person's mental health worse. Psychologists use different methods to treat mental health problems so it is important to find one that treats them effectively. Not all of them prescribe medication and there is usually the option to refuse the prescription if they try to. In many situations there are non-medicated therapy options. It's good you're okay but from my experience not getting help for a problem will only make things worse.
I'm from Indonesia, and lately there is a lot of case of pedhofilia and most of the victims are boys, and sadly enough it wasnt only ten or twelve but almost fifty and hundreds children become victims by one single man and its going on for years and more but it goes unnoticed. Somehow it became like a trends in several province, I cant imagine there is a lot more out there that hasnt been reported yet, either the parent doesnt pay enough attention or too scared or feel ashamed to report it, bcause it takes one person who brave enough to report it and then the others will follows. Sex educatian is taboo in my country so I assume the kids doesnt know its something wrong or they should report it so they just keep quite, well I was molested by my older cousins when I was 6 but I didnt know it was sex assault until I was 25, watching news and remember something similar was done to me.
When I read someone comment that reading horror doesnt turn you into serial killer and shota doesnt turn you into pedofhil or yaoi doesnt turn you into gays, I do agree at some point but deep down I wondering if thats really true?
Last year, Gang Raped became like hot trends and the victims and the rapist mostly a teenager and some Expert blame it to FREE japanese porn and the internet. Like it or not, pornography does have effect you know, not everyone using the internet WISE enough, for someone reading shota could satisfy their dark desire and restraint them from laying a hands on a real child and for others it could inspire them or make them curious enough to try it. There is a time I wish I was born as a Man so I could penetrate another Man, reading a lot of yaoi make me wonder if its really that good LOL.