So if jooha did it would it be okay? He Couldn’t Even do revenge himself bc he was Not that powerful like dooshik was - bc of his conections etc- he was a baddie too but Changed for jooha. Dooshik did the revenge for jooha Not bc he was hurt. Thats the Point of being a Green Flag to me. Most ml do that for fun and Not for revenge for their Partner. And i Never Said Its okay that dooshik did this but he did it with a reason and Not Random for fun Like Most Trauma manhwas

Do u even read when did i mention jooha doing the exact same thing for revenge and that it’s a totally different story.. that’s totally unrelated ? “I never said it was okay for revenge to do this” that’s exactly what not being a green flag is. It’s all about actions and not the intentions that is being considered in this case of being a “green flag”. Dooshik did exactly what joohas abusers do to him and jooha learned about what happened what do you think his reaction was? It triggered his trauma. Don’t talk about things you clearly have no idea of..

For me his is a green forest. It’s not common to sacrifice your own piece for your partner. Dooshik could have been ki!!ed by them anytime by pilwon but he still did it for his one and only and that is the fact I was about. If you don’t see it like that than I can’t/won‘t want to change your opinion like u can’t change mine about it
Ppl saying dooshik is a red flag bc of what he did to the twins but what they did to jooha is okay tho