I don’t like how Aileen agreed

Aphorism August 23, 2024 6:28 am

Aileen is gonna be a waifu im guessing :/ since she wants to kiss mc. i dont reallg like the idea of it because she acts like a child so in my perspective she seems like a little sister but i guess the author is going with the tsundere waifu route.

    Lynn August 23, 2024 7:01 am

    Same, Aileen is very childish to me and it doesn't help that her dragon form right now is that of an adolescent. She feels like a little girl having her first crush on a big brother. Their personality just doesn't seem to match to me but the animals are cute so I will endure through their romance if it comes to be. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Shinny August 23, 2024 8:10 am

    Dude! YES, when i saw her say that i went " woooah there buddy sloooow down"
    First we have to see your human form, because right now, you are VERY much not an adult
    Itll probably be something like uhh, Super powerful person like demon lord protects warrior because they have a wittle crush on them :3 but not to the point where it becomes like, a romance, and more like a dragon taking bias towards their favowite person

    ... that or maybe she becomes a normal tsundere love interest and she becomes fascinated with the real world or something idk dude
    But right now, no kissing, Aileen is gonna have to WAIT for that bro Σ(っ°Д °;)っ, wayy too fast