
Acee August 23, 2024 6:06 am

So this manwha starts with the fls father and brother carrying her across this lake to help her heal or something. When she wakes up, her father is like doting her like he's leaving work early so he can see his daughter. (The father is like an advisor to the emperor.) So the emperor just lets him do what he wants. During all the commotion, the crown prince (II think he is the ML who came back from the war). (They met the FL by accident, then they developed feelings for each other.) That's it. I don't know anymore. Please help me find it.

    mj3 August 23, 2024 4:27 pm

    i remember reading that starting scene as well but cannot recall from which manhwa ╥﹏╥ let me know as well if you find it!

    Acee August 23, 2024 4:42 pm

    I thought your my saviour but ye sure I will