The bots sometimes can check first before the uploaders and uploads the chapter automatically and it can contain misaligned, blurry, or mistranslated and even wrong manhwaa. At the point when the chapter are uploaded, it’s difficult for the uploader to replace it with better quality uploads.
The bots sometimes can check first before the uploaders and uploads the chapter automatically and it can contain misaligned, blurry, or mistranslated and even wrong manhwaa. At the point when the chapter are up... Dakkea
This is also common issues with other aggregators, I have one manhwa chapter where it’s was so messed up here by a bot, and when I jumped on other manga website, they same upload because of the bot did copy and paste it everywhere.
This is also common issues with other aggregators, I have one manhwa chapter where it’s was so messed up here by a bot, and when I jumped on other manga website, they same upload because of the bot did copy a... Dakkea
ahh thank you sm!! I wonder what dumb person set that up
what is the bot??? like will it actually upload the episode or what?? can’t you just upload it also?? im so confused sorry lol