Chess pieces don't hv love potential

H Fujoshi August 22, 2024 6:40 pm

I don't want harem or cringey romance. If the relationship is natural and not forced, it's fine. But currently, I don't see any romance potential. He is playing them all like chess pieces and so I don't want one of his chess pieces to be his romantic partner at all. It'd be great if this just go pure action. I quite enjoy the chaos.

    Alex August 29, 2024 6:55 pm
    If your husband is filthy rich some women out there does even care if he's is having a affair Niald

    They do care, it could weigh on them, make them question their vanity or make them bitter but they can’t communicate this because they are dependent on their husbands, their not fine with it but are instead forced to accept it, and by hearing how you speak about women it’s very clear to me you have 0 to no interaction with them and try fill out your teenage boy fantasies through harem manwhas, you think of women as disposable objects there for male pleasure and not as actual humans which is quite obvious from the way you speak about them. You want to see a strong capable rich man have lots of beautiful women surrounding them because that’s the life you want for yourself but will never achieve and so you live that life in this way thinking your any better than those who share your same fantasies. When In fact your not, but rather even more pathetic because you can’t accept what you are, a loser.

    Crystasia August 30, 2024 8:48 am
    If your husband is filthy rich some women out there does even care if he's is having a affair Niald

    I see.. ur wife is filthy rich also.. you wont mind ahe having a reverse harem right? ... Asian women most of them are filthy rich than men soo...... I hope you bear that in your mind..

    Crystasia August 30, 2024 8:50 am
    Pfft said by a virgin loser Niald

    I dont get why a virgin loser like you trembled at other.... .. you must remember... Men hard to get a girl... Even prostitute need to paid huge money for it.. unless you re good-looking or rich or nice men pffftt do you really think its easy to get a choochie?