A hidden gem!

Sazz August 22, 2024 5:02 pm

First of all, my favorite character in this story is the crown prince. Why? Because he's able to love unconditionaly, he's literally the healthiest character in the story.

Every single character in this story surpassed my expectations and the one who surprised me most is the villain Damian. I expected him to be your usual shallow villain that was a blind, ungrateful womanizer that used fl like all the other villains in second chance stories. Sure, the last part is true but damn! Turns out he's much more complex than that. Based on the small glimpses of his personality we had, he backround as a half blood made him grow into a resentful person unable to ever trust and genuinely love someone. Even in the past life where he killed Erin, i doubt he had any feelings for the other unfortunate but manipulative woman. He most likely just had a use for her since she was skilled and killed Erin for no other reason than to stop anyone from obtaining her power like the greedy sociopath he is. She was also a convenient excuse to gashlight and maintain Erin's insecurity and vulnerability until he could discard her. He is incapable of love, he can only feel obsession which is born from the ego. It's pure selfishness. He's a monster with all the meaning of the world, a cold blooded murderer, too narcissistic to ever understand what genuine love is.

As for our main characters, i love them both so much! Fl is really smart in a very realistic way and ml is a sweetheart. I love them together.

It's refreshing to see all characters in a story have a personality and thinking on their own. It makes the story feel alive.
