Damn. l, Harada- my beloved. THEY. NEVER. FUCKING. MISS. So beautifully fucking dark. So good. So goddamn unique.
I could write thousand-words-worth of reviews, but all I can say is THIS IS HARADA. OF COURSE IT'S GONNA BE LEGENDARILY BEAUTIFUL AND RAW-LY DARK. Hands down. Poetic. Beautiful. Dark. Unique. Soo goooodddd.
Damn. l, Harada- my beloved. THEY. NEVER. FUCKING. MISS. So beautifully fucking dark. So good. So goddamn unique.
I could write thousand-words-worth of reviews, but all I can say is THIS IS HARADA. OF COURSE IT'S GONNA BE LEGENDARILY BEAUTIFUL AND RAW-LY DARK. Hands down. Poetic. Beautiful. Dark. Unique. Soo goooodddd.