oh!! so Mai and Yaezou ended together thats explains why they have more sceen time togethe...

Boom_x_Ohm March 17, 2017 5:46 am

oh!! so Mai and Yaezou ended together thats explains why they have more sceen time together than MaiXsen,,
anyway, i think im the only one who's rooting for MaiXsen ship i really thought they will end up together because
1. they met first
2. they kiss first
3. most couples or in manga are when the girl's blond she always end up with black haired guy and vice versa so..
(sorry its just that i really have a thing for black haired guys)

p. s. im a fujoshi so i am also secretly rooting for YaezouXsen yup yaezous name comes first coz i want him to be the SEME

    Sachiko July 13, 2018 8:22 pm

    Wow people who down voted this are gross. Although I would prefer Sen x Yaezou.