
HisLuc August 21, 2024 10:38 am

I don’t blame any of the characters for the way they acted. Except for white hair bitch.

FL was kidnapped and abused her whole life, it’s no wonder she has trust issues and lack of confidence.
ML was in an abusive household where he has to keep his emotions in him to survive from his deadbeat dad so it became a bad habit.

First life for FL and ML, ML was under the impression of FL threatening which led to him be cold to her while FL knew he was being threatened by her that’s why didn’t ask for me. When he brought red hair bitch, FL left and ML regretted, realised he loved her but lost her and committed suicide. FL didn’t know THAT

Second life, FL knew what will happen therefore she remained silent and went with the flow. ML knew about his past life and did as much as he could to show his love by action. But FL is the type of gal where words of affirmation comes first than act of service. A simple I love you from him but he didn’t do any of that. Therefore all that misunderstandings happened. I really understand both their side and don’t blame any of them for the way they acted.

It was frustrating to see how all they can do is communicate their feelings but both were just scared to be hurt. I didn’t see any plot holes anywhere, if there were a plot hole, it’ll be if the ML actually married the red hair bitch when he lost his memories just because he didn’t wanna feel the way he was feeling. That will be a plot hole but it didn’t happen. So yeah I like this manhwa because it made me feel something towards the characters.

