It really isn’t really that great but the taste in this site is subjective or rather specific. I mean you have titles like BJ Alex considered masterpieces and it’s just garbage. As you said it’s full of misunderstandings but given the setting, drawing style, and sex long chapters it meets a majority of readers taste so hence the rating. It’s an easy read but it’s not exactly special, the start to the couples relationship is especially egregious if you applied any logic, “it’s funny that my boss is workplace harassing me, after thinking I overheard having public sex during at a work function”….
the way it was executed was lame, boring and predictable. theres that one nosy bitch who keep pestering the mc and ex coworkers picked on him like they were still in high school. for one entire season the ml is acting like a man with screw loose. you can write bubbly personality or golden retriever type of top but that.. thats embarrassing lol
why did this have a high rating the entire plot is nothing but misunderstanding being dragged on for chapters and chapters (read 40 chs so far) and most of the characters are annoying and shallow asf
edit: i check on other sites and it only has 8-ish rating makes sense