The last couple chapters are a bit of a mess. But from what I understand, the butterflies represent Endre who is a being with the power to kill the gods, and had already wiped out the first gods, then created weaker ones. Luciu was born with the power of creation and foresight and decided to save the gods by taking their souls and Spirit balls and hiding them in this new world. During the process he met Radia who I’m assuming was always a human, and fell in love. So in order to be with her, he created Yulius to be his personal soul vessel (or “love” vessel), because he was never going to be able to officially be a part of his new world (I’m assuming this, since after he killed Adrian, there would be no one else to transfer his own soul and spirit ball). However, Endre got wind of Luciu’s plan and so bound Adrian (the god of misfortune and destruction) to Yulius, believing that ultimately the two entities would destroy each other, cause Radia to go mad in dispair and destroy the world that Luciu had created.
I hope this makes a little more sense…. Again this is me also trying to make sense of what happened in the end…
I seem so lost with the plot. So what is the connection between ML and the two gods. And who is that butterfly entity. So confused. Somebody please explain me