Yohan sympathizers

kurimaomao August 21, 2024 12:13 am

Y’all can only support this man because minjae is stronger than anyone else in this story and made it look tolerable to take on all the shit he went through. I don’t think the author gave enough emphasis on the abuse’s aftermath, and it felt like it was too early to give yohan’s pov, if it wasn’t written to make us feel bad for yohan then maybe it would have been better. Sorry, but all my sympathies are reserved for the victim, i would have loved to see more of minjae moving on, realizing he is so much more as a person, and that his worth and happiness aren’t supposed to depend on the person he loves.

    Kope March 13, 2025 7:58 am

    Agreed sm, u phrased it perfectly