I felt nothing but irritation as well. The seme was annoying. Lying to purposely hurt the uke for his own benefit is selfish af instead of selfless which he was clearly going for but failed. Deciding for the uke what kind of a life he should live instead of asking him is controlling, like he’s grown man he can decide for himself smh. A simple conversation would have saved them both time and pain for 7yrs had the seme just opened his damn mouth and shared his worries because when your in a relationship thats literally what you’re supposed to do! And the uke did say he went back to dating girls during those 7 years then finally a guy which is actually shown before he was thrown out.
Ppl in the cmts crying but all I feel is anger and irritation. I hate when it shows seme doing the deed with others while uke stays celibate during separations. I made it to the beginning of ch 3 when I thought uke was staying with a boyfriend/sex friend that kicked him out but it turns out uke couldn’t go through with it and left.
Idk if uke was entirely celibate for the 7 yrs they were broken up or if it was explained more in later chapters but the seme sure had his needs met. I hate when authors make the uke hung up on the seme, can’t get into new relationships, unable to be intimate, etc while they make the semes okay with sleeping around and getting into relationships but “they still love the uke” so it’s okay… puhlease. I’d prefer it if the uke slept around while missing the seme, and the seme staying celibate while missing the uke