I haven't seen the comments on the original site but I imagine this is one of those stories where everyone was trash talking it, like plot makes no sense, why does the guy leave, Ect, ect and author got tired of it so they cut the story. Which is better then others where they just stop the story in the middle.
This was a nice story. Would've been better if the pacing was slower and the art was more well-thought of? And maybe a sequel with Juhee finding her actual match hahahaha. There are a lot of freaks out there and she would've been pampered and loved as she was. Someone who knew how to ask consent and still match her freak. Changhyun was not a freak, just a terrible person. He's so ordinary, boring, and just a good-ol cheater. I thought Shinwoo would be the one but it seems he's actually obsessed with Changhyun as well.
Anyway, it's a nice psychological story. Nothing amazing, could've been better.