Recommend me kr bl light novel with plot. I'm reading Turning rn, so good
Opinions abt Webtoon anime adaptations ?
Hi everyone Any recommendations for a fluffy story? Something that makes y...
Please don't talk to someone back it's most annoying and only stupid people...
Guyss help me find a bl harem with a black haired bottom that suddenly tele...
Looking for this BL manga!!
Any raws
How to upload a new manga on mangago?
Uhhh looking for a bl ive read where theres a guy that moved in to an apartment and his neigbor is like always loud and horny and many women always be outside his doorway or smthng then when he confronted him abt it turns out its like their upstairs middle aged neighbor or smthng but they got close to each other because of that and yeah thats it