ML is yucky

ReverseHaremJutsu August 19, 2024 9:56 pm

it’s just pathetic how he feels the need to play around with the MC and the next second act like he’s a tortured soul. all these characters don’t make sense like they all talking abt the MC like “omg that’s the bitch that saved the ML from his father, how shameless is he to be walking around” it just don’t add up cause none of these characters are using their brains for some reason. if the ML knows the MC almost got killed to save him, why does he act like that in the beginning??? even if he’s toxic, if his character is supposed to be in love with the MC and kno who he is from the beginning, why would he ever make him pay him in sex for finding his fucking father. the MC could still have his memories and be wanting to save his father and that STILL wouldn’t justify why the ML is such a bitch. first offense is everyone keeping the secret on what the MC’s father did especially the ML, I think I’d like to fucking kno if MY dad tried to kidnap and kill a child that I was friends with tf??? second offense is ML doing absolutely nothing when his brother kidnaps and beats the trash father as sextortion to the MC. the father could be a serial child murdering and that still doesn’t excuse blackmailing the MC to be a spy. the ML HAS to be dumb as a rock to be acting all angsty like “ugh you’re just like everyone else spying on me for my downfall pity me” babes his father’s life is on the line he is being FORCED to be there and even after the ML learns that nothing changes lmaooo. him hiding the truth is still snake behavior I’m so annoyed by this plot, I keep forgetting good art≠good story

    ReverseHaremJutsu August 19, 2024 10:06 pm

    I just cannot imagine acting THIS nasty to someone who saved your fucking life, the MC has zero responsibility for his father’s actions, bro’s father isn’t even taking care of his own son properly in the flashbacks. like if this guy was trying to kill me and their child took the bullet for me???? I’m worshipping the ground they walk on and we can both give the father a fuck you bitch and live happily ever after. if my savior got amnesia’s after getting a permanent scar and leg injury, I’d be there for them and tell them they saved my life right when they wake up. if for some reason we got separated and I saw them again knowing they had amnesia and their trash father was being used as blackmail by my brother, no questions asked I’m beating up my bitch ass brother and making sure my savior is treated like royalty since I’m rich apparently. MLs actions make no sense I’m actually mad that the MC is being pared up with this man child with zero emotional maturity

    bbydaddy August 20, 2024 4:24 pm
    I just cannot imagine acting THIS nasty to someone who saved your fucking life, the MC has zero responsibility for his father’s actions, bro’s father isn’t even taking care of his own son properly in the ... ReverseHaremJutsu

    It's pretty obvious that the ml is treating mc like trash because if the others find out he's still inlove with mc, they could potentially use mc as a victim to target ml. He needs to act like he doesn't care about mc so mc doesn't get put in danger

    ReverseHaremJutsu August 20, 2024 5:09 pm
    It's pretty obvious that the ml is treating mc like trash because if the others find out he's still inlove with mc, they could potentially use mc as a victim to target ml. He needs to act like he doesn't care a... bbydaddy

    for me it's the whole "I want your body you wanna find your dad, do the math" that I find unnecessary, they are literally alone in the car when he says that and most of the time he's acting condescending is when there's no one there who the ML needs to keep up the act in front of. sure when he's talking to the long hair guy he's lying, but I don't like him because of how he acts with the MC. I have problems with how all the characters are written because a lot of their motivations don't make sense with how they act and I'm more critical on this webtoon because it is one of many with the same kind of plot with zero personality. I don't feel connected to anything happening and I'm blaming that on not enough thought put into why a character does something and what they are hoping to gain from someone. the ML pushing the MC away could make sense if he was consistent in wanting to protect him because he love's him, but then how he talks to the MC abt how the MC is using him like everyone else or that he wants the MC's body and trades that with a promise to find his father doesn't make sense. it feels like a cheap way to force them together then inject feelings into the ML after when people don't work like that. this was on my to read for a while and I was saving it for when there were more chapters so it was disappointing for me cause I wanted a better developed story

    bbydaddy August 21, 2024 2:16 am

    Understandable but I think the characters in a way are pretty complex to understand unless you really read into their actions. Obviously I'm not defending Ji Tae, but his actions towards MiEum have good intentions, hes just not persecuting it properly due to the fact Mi Eum could be put in danger. But his actions towards MiEum definitely shouldn't be excusable, but his reasons imo are understandable!

    ReverseHaremJutsu August 21, 2024 3:35 am
    Understandable but I think the characters in a way are pretty complex to understand unless you really read into their actions. Obviously I'm not defending Ji Tae, but his actions towards MiEum have good intent... bbydaddy

    yea I agree Ji Tae, sir what are you doing

    ah ren August 21, 2024 7:54 pm

    i get it. why did the ml treat mc like shi if hes in love w him? and even if hes doin that to 'protect' the mc, he shouldve been less ass bout it . i feel itd be less irritating if there's no smut to make up the plot and their relationship. imagine asking your first love who u havent met in a while to suck your coocadole. weirdo. i mean come on just fuking a bit has got the mc liking him?? gimme a breakkk i wud REALLY love ml's redemption arc i wanna see him suffer

    ah ren August 21, 2024 7:57 pm

    anyways just don put logic into this and u'll be fine. atleast the ml's packed w that face and abs thatd save him thats the only thing that made me continue anyway ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    ReverseHaremJutsu August 22, 2024 11:16 am
    i get it. why did the ml treat mc like shi if hes in love w him? and even if hes doin that to 'protect' the mc, he shouldve been less ass bout it . i feel itd be less irritating if there's no smut to make up th... ah ren

    lmaooo yea I'd love a suffering ML arc, he pissing me off baddd