because she was having second thoughts towards the 2nd guy the one bc he has low sperm count and likely will not have kids. and the last chapter that was shown she was packing that when it started to stir her intrusive thoughts again lmao and eventually goes back to her husband and apologized for the affair she had

for me i agree to the commenter where i get this spoiler from. it was all her from the start, it was all her who cause her own loneliness, and the root of her being so obsessed with getting pregnant was from her childhood trauma i mean it wasn't traumatic but it was a wishful childish dream she can't let go. and that void she continued to fill with the idea of being pregnant and having kid thinking it would make her life better. the husband losing his affection towards her was natural cause it was highlighted that he constantly comes home to a wife depressed. i mean sure he can man enough to embrace her through that phase but really there's some truth in the saying "you can't save people that aren't willing to be saved" just my 2 cents
They broke up, and the guy she cheated on with ends up being single and her going back to her husband. i read that spoiler from the other site it was well written and that commenter really took some words out of my mouth. i couldn't take the FL side cause cheating is still wrong no matter what, even though her husband is problematic still cheating on him to just chase her dream of getting pregnant is not an acceptable excuse. they just all fucked up in the head.