
so-and-so August 19, 2024 12:27 am

this is a hate comment. me hating. being a hater. why is the title so long? okay bye

    Bear August 19, 2024 12:49 am

    Fr a lot of mangas tend to have the whole plot in the title lol ( followed by accident but to last to unfollow)

    Bear August 19, 2024 12:50 am
    Fr a lot of mangas tend to have the whole plot in the title lol ( followed by accident but to last to unfollow) Bear

    Last= lazy lol

    geshra August 19, 2024 1:59 am

    I read an article about this. So, the reason is because of...


    Particularly, East Asian Zoomers. They are generalized as having short attention spans, so it was found that if media is titled as a summary of the plot, then it would garner more attention.

    Aaaaaaad they were right. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    ramiel August 19, 2024 2:15 am
    I read an article about this. So, the reason is because of... Zoomers.Particularly, East Asian Zoomers. They are generalized as having short attention spans, so it was found that if media is titled as a summary... geshra

    Site and sources pls you cant just be dropping racist rhetoric like this bc anybody with internet access can make an article that isnt actually based on valid data these days. Do better

    Bear August 19, 2024 4:43 am

    What’s a zoomer

    Bear August 19, 2024 4:44 am
    What’s a zoomer Bear


    geshra August 19, 2024 6:05 am
    Site and sources pls you cant just be dropping racist rhetoric like this bc anybody with internet access can make an article that isnt actually based on valid data these days. Do better ramiel

    You're incredibly ignorant. Do better, yourself. Read more, especially scientific journals. Also, learn the actual definition of racism, you sprout.

    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0885201417302691 (cultural, selective attention)

    https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-21578-5 (visual attention span)

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6095841/ (slow, but steady rise of ADHD among Chinese/Hong Kong, and Taiwanese)

    https://www.warc.com/Content/fc8bf530-6e81-434c-b2f9-f1b258b13fa7 (paygate, specifically about Southeastern Asians and advertising)

    Attention deficit is still considered low among East Asian population compared to other races. However, with growing prevalence in recent generations, many respective governments have been attempting to mitigate the issue, while marketing seeks to cater to it.

    This includes shorter, punchier commercials (discussed more in the paygate article). Literary works, especially those that we would categorize as YA, have found that higher chances of marketable success comes from complex titles which summarize plot. This is related to (though not entirely caused by) the growing prevalence of attention deficit (though, again, not nearly as substantial as seen in any other race).

    Overall, attention spans are dropping for all generations in no small part to media affecting neuroplasticity. Think TikTok and YouTube Shorts as examples.

    Marketing is an exercise in behavioral studies, psychology and design. To be effective, one must have a solid background in understanding how to manipulate the audience and convince them to do something. Effective marketing takes science and culture into consideration.

    I was a marketing specialist for ten years. Using media to manipulate the audience is what you do. I doubt that the author who first began making titles like this was a marketing specialist, but the idea was nonetheless brilliant and has been copied by many other authors and mangaka/graphic artists.

    Back in college, in an English class, it was taught that the very first paragraph determines whether the read will be interested or not. Whomever came up with this just took it a step further.

    If I were to base an opinion on my own observations of people on this site and elsewhere commenting on such titles, I'd say that there is a negative perspective on it, although attention deficit is reportly higher among the other races, but that could be cultural. There is a study on that too; the two different types of attention behaviors practiced by westerners and easterners.

    geshra August 19, 2024 6:36 am
    Site and sources pls you cant just be dropping racist rhetoric like this bc anybody with internet access can make an article that isnt actually based on valid data these days. Do better ramiel

    This is also briefly referenced in this video: https://youtu.be/Ky_OiCnKDqc


    Although he only references Japanese light novels, this is also prevalent in other media and is not unique to Japan (but it's much more prevalent). Obviously, he doesn't cite anything regarding his statements, but he is Japanese(/Australian) so, there's that.

    ramiel August 19, 2024 2:37 pm

    How am I ignorant I’m not the one who initially made those claims without any sources with a “trust me bro i saw an article for it” we live in a day and age where just saying u got your source from an “article” can be taken with a grain of salt and doubt and im just doing my due diligence by asking for resources

    Regardless, thanks for the sourcing but i still stand by my initial comment criticizing your wording as being racist and generalizing an audience with no source to back it up tho~

    Maybe you can find an academic article about people like you who immediately take any form of critical thinking thrown at them as a personal attack to helo you grow emotionally, gl out there boomer

    geshra August 19, 2024 7:20 pm


    Actually, no.

    Your statements, as clearly indicated by both your first response and this one, lack any form of so-called "critical thinking" you claim.

    Because you, like many people born after 9/11, are emotionally insecure and hypersensitive. You also deflect. That's not conjecture either, it's documented fact.

    Further indication of your emotional immaturity lies in your use in the word "boomer" as an insult. I am actually a millennial, but that doesn't matter. As someone who has studied human behavior, I know that it comes from an infantile mind.

    Lastly, your reading comprehension skills are abominable. If your interpretation of my initial response is still that the comment was racist, then your have never experienced real racism in your life.

    I have. Extensively.

    Now, as those same childish neonates say, "Go touch grass." I cannot suffer a fool and am pleased to end conversation with one. :-)

    Bear August 19, 2024 7:46 pm

    Guys this isn’t like you ( ̄へ ̄)