some people here are so narrow minded, clueless and apathetic like haesoo can't just wake up one day a changed woman and magically decide to leave that shit ass man lmao it's much more difficult than that... when you love someone, truly LOVE someone, you love them entirely. you literally just love... them. their being. to the point that you may even end up loving the horrible parts of someone, because you don't see those parts as horrible, you see those parts just as equally as you see the rest of that person. something to love. it's hard to explain but I understand her. he treats her like shit and she tolerates it because she loves even those twisted pieces of him
some people here are so narrow minded, clueless and apathetic like haesoo can't just wake up one day a changed woman and magically decide to leave that shit ass man lmao it's much more difficult than that... when you love someone, truly LOVE someone, you love them entirely. you literally just love... them. their being. to the point that you may even end up loving the horrible parts of someone, because you don't see those parts as horrible, you see those parts just as equally as you see the rest of that person. something to love. it's hard to explain but I understand her. he treats her like shit and she tolerates it because she loves even those twisted pieces of him