
Tyzillz August 18, 2024 8:47 pm

I'm. Not sure I can continue reading this, she's such a Doormat! It's hard to watch over and over. I realize she was heavily abused but at some point you gotta stand up for yourself. I get why she's like this but it's frustrating to watch her run around in circles trying to please an abuser. She needs serious mental help. It would nice to see her just get away from that Asshole and learn how to love herself. Cuz leapfrogging into another relationship with another manipulative man is not the answer. I was hoping the doormat faze would be short but ugh.

    bitiwj3 August 18, 2024 10:26 pm

    when will yall stop calling victims of abuse doormats, thats such ignorant thing to say, wishing it would as easy as you say. 'Just love yourself, my bro the amount o woman on this world who suffer the same fate as her cannot just get out easily and love themselves. Its a long process. Independance is also important for that. Where should she go ?? With what money?? What happens if her husband gets angry and tries to find her and wants to harm her then? There are many aspects that need to considered

    Hannah August 19, 2024 3:31 am

    Mincheol is soooo evil he gaslighted her so much that she doubts herself before him but also because she loved him sooo much, she's not a "doormat"(which is so disrespectful to say about a victim of abuse) she's traumatised, gaslighted and a really kind person that actually loved that trash man. Also it's not easy leaving an abusive relationship and you shouldn't speak when you don't know how these victims feel.

    Tyzillz August 19, 2024 8:43 am
    when will yall stop calling victims of abuse doormats, thats such ignorant thing to say, wishing it would as easy as you say. 'Just love yourself, my bro the amount o woman on this world who suffer the same fat... bitiwj3

    Regardless there has to be a point where step up for yourself, lots have people have gone through those things this and worse and I don't speak from nowhere. I speak from personal experience. But you have to fight for yourself or you die. That's realit. Also that man has been hurting for YEARS as we all know hes only going to get worse and trying to balance his abuse will never keep her safe. She's already basically taking care of herself and him. She is and has always been alone. So she can do it. Hopefully she'll realize that like we all have to. Sometimes the only person who can save you is you!

    Tyzillz August 19, 2024 8:49 am
    Mincheol is soooo evil he gaslighted her so much that she doubts herself before him but also because she loved him sooo much, she's not a "doormat"(which is so disrespectful to say about a victim of abuse) she'... Hannah

    I do know from experience which why I said what I said, and which why it's so personally frustrating for me. Not to mention watching friends do the same. I was a doormat and I decided not to be anymore. Thank goodness my situations were never this bad but still bad enough. Like said you have to decide to stand up for yourself. Hopefully she will otherwise she'll waste away and die. Sometimes the only person who can save you is you.

    Hannah August 19, 2024 5:07 pm
    I do know from experience which why I said what I said, and which why it's so personally frustrating for me. Not to mention watching friends do the same. I was a doormat and I decided not to be anymore. Thank g... Tyzillz

    I get where you're coming from but this mincheol rat is a dangerous gaslighter and the only love she's over known is from him in their early years, not even her parents as we've seen from the flashbacks. You stood up for yourself because you knew you deserved better but she believes she's an old hag and no one will love her due to his gaslighting. She is starting to question him more but it's hard because of how much Mincheol has got to her. (Plus she's in contact with NO ONE, no friends no family so she doesn't seem to tell people what goes on and ask for advice).

    Hannah August 19, 2024 5:09 pm
    when will yall stop calling victims of abuse doormats, thats such ignorant thing to say, wishing it would as easy as you say. 'Just love yourself, my bro the amount o woman on this world who suffer the same fat... bitiwj3

    I agree with you, he legit towered and cornered her because she questioned him a little. He could harm her any second.

    Tyzillz August 19, 2024 5:12 pm
    I get where you're coming from but this mincheol rat is a dangerous gaslighter and the only love she's over known is from him in their early years, not even her parents as we've seen from the flashbacks. You st... Hannah

    I completely agree he is trash, I just mean that there has to be a turning point and I hope her or anyone in that situation get to that point and save themselves