EN version seem to ignore it so

Bonbonsue August 18, 2024 6:49 pm

Ugh, there are so many interesting details that the author shared in the review of season 1. Why does the TW version have this content translated, but the English version doesn’t? Anyway, I used a machine to translate some of the information.

According to the author, the story is built around the contrasting relationship between Hayden and Brett. Hayden comes from a middle-class family, is introverted, contemplative, and prefers stability and peace. He tends to dominate others, but this side of him only emerges when patiently explored. On the other hand, Brett is the opposite of Hayden. He comes from a wealthy family, is extroverted, and is impulsive, aggressive, and tends to enjoy being dominated, but only by those who are acknowledged or permitted.

Additionally, the author mentioned that fans often ask what Brett thinks, so the author showed Brett’s BDSM test results (the author also mentioned that the relationship between Hayden and Brett isn’t exactly considered BDSM play—Brett hates role-playing, so these results only reflect Brett’s tendencies).

Brett is a Prey, Brat, and Slave; besides, he is flexible between Dominant and Submissive depending on the situation. He somewhat enjoys being humiliated and experiencing pain, and also has a bit of a Pet tendency. Brett hates Vanilla, Little, and particularly dislikes spanking (possibly being hit in general) and being tied up.

As for Hayden, with his current state, the test results came out as Vanilla. The author commented that this
not be sincere but couldn’t deny Hayden’s current feelings, so the author let it slide. Perhaps in the future, when Hayden is more honest with himself, there will be another test.

A fun fact about Brett is that he not care about material and fashion (as evidenced by him wearing only a tight black shirt and jeans throughout season 1, lol).

A fun fact about Hayden, according to the author, is that his hair is gradually thinning and not as fluffy as in the short series, lol. If you pay attention, you’ll notice that in the short series, Hayden looks softer and more like a sheep compared to now.

In conclusion, the author shared that season 2 will be more plot-heavy than season 1. There will still be confrontations between Hayden and Brett, injuries, and non-con, and the author can’t reveal everything due to spoilers but warns that it could be very shocking. The atmosphere of the story is intended to be scary, tense, humorous, and seductive.

    atenea August 19, 2024 4:08 pm

    thank you so much for this actually can't wait for the plot to thicken

    Bonbonsue August 19, 2024 4:21 pm
    thank you so much for this actually can't wait for the plot to thicken atenea

    Me too, waiting for ss2 to come is Suffering

    kurokhaos September 22, 2024 4:57 pm

    Thank you so much for this!!!