The author did a great job in portraying her male characters like how a “man” (convent...

naruhuhuhuhuhu August 18, 2024 5:29 pm

The author did a great job in portraying her male characters like how a “man” (conventional) act ie. bottom is equally aggressive and take initiative, he’s not passive and only receiving (this is like a very rare occurance especially if we talk about manhwa) Usually, BL authors often diminished the bottom in a way that they feminize them and make them act like a female, if yk what i mean (this is why bl is better if a man or a queer make it as they don’t draw in a heteronormative lenses).

I also like how the bottom didn’t magically shrink in height and size in the middle of the manhwa. I’m sick of them making characters where they r both beefy and had the same height at the start only to become smaller once they begin to bottom in the sex scenes. (them authors unintentionally make the bottom smaller as if it’s a female counterpart in a relationship.)

    naruhuhuhuhuhu August 18, 2024 5:31 pm

    It was a fun read. It's fluff and not heavy so if you want some light hearted manhwa, this is definitely a must read! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶