I swear I had read much further into this story, and there was many more chapters. I recently went to check on what happened to this story and it seems like all those chapters were erased and now I’m stuck rereading chapters I already read. Am I the only one?
The raws has over 300 or something and it was released years ago so I wouldn't be surprised.. Baller
I believe I saw it on this site, either under this story or maybe with a different name and they were much farther in. I don’t remember where I was maybe a hundred chapters in, and then they disappeared. Either they were deleted under this name or that story was deleted
I swear I had read much further into this story, and there was many more chapters. I recently went to check on what happened to this story and it seems like all those chapters were erased and now I’m stuck rereading chapters I already read. Am I the only one?