
Boa's left coochie lip August 18, 2024 2:55 pm

WHY are ppl calling him toxic??? He realized he was hurting her so he was like "ok we can fake it" so boom they sleeping in different rooms somehow (I forgot) she was like "let's fuck" LIKE HES NOT TRYING TO AVOID HER SHES DEADASS PLAYING W HIS FEELINGS OMFG. SO BOOM NEXT they on this excursion or wtv they hurt each others feelings AGAIN (cs they both suck to some extent) and he turns into a beast and when she turns him back into a human he says he'll STOP loving her and he's somehow still the problem??WHAT?? THEN SHE THROWS A HISSY FIT CS HES NOT WILLING TO WAIT ON HER TO LOVE HIM. AND THE PPL CALLING HER A DUMB BITCH ARE MISOGYNIST??? You ppl got issues and obviously need to google wtf a misogynist is.

    S-J-M August 30, 2024 5:20 pm

    Hahaha thank you, I got crucified in the comments several times for saying she was the frustrating one!

    Evilteddybear August 30, 2024 5:42 pm

    The problem is in how they got together to begin with. He pressured her family into giving him a wife. They had sex cause of his curse. And then he expects her to love him. People in a forced relationship or a financially based relationship won't give you love. If you marry a poor girl who married you to have a place to live, that's not gonna add up to love either. The attitude that she owes him love "why don't you love me" is a misogynistic attitude. But you are right they both suck.

    S-J-M August 30, 2024 6:05 pm
    The problem is in how they got together to begin with. He pressured her family into giving him a wife. They had sex cause of his curse. And then he expects her to love him. People in a forced relationship or a ... Evilteddybear

    Lmfao "He pressured her family" bitch he was a wolf unable to change back He didn't pressure her for shit and was surprised when he did change into a human to find he was married. The first time they had sex wasn't about the curse. She literally tried to fuck a wolf and you're calling this whole relationship "forced" You need to go back and read.

    S-J-M August 30, 2024 6:08 pm
    The problem is in how they got together to begin with. He pressured her family into giving him a wife. They had sex cause of his curse. And then he expects her to love him. People in a forced relationship or a ... Evilteddybear

    Being his wife was like a job that she accepted rather than a romantic marriage and she was absolutely FINE with that because she wasn't ready for romance. That got better and then worse through the story as her past came back in. In no way during any part of this was she a victim of anything and has been a willing participant. They've helped each other. But when his love became suffocating because she's healing and in denial shit hit the fan. They're both traumatized in different ways, but it's the people acting like she's a victim and not half the problem that bother me.

    Evilteddybear August 30, 2024 7:16 pm
    Lmfao "He pressured her family" bitch he was a wolf unable to change back He didn't pressure her for shit and was surprised when he did change into a human to find he was married. The first time they had sex w... S-J-M

    It was not a love relationship. She accepted the marriage to save her sister. Maybe it was his family who created the pressure instead, but when a marriage is something you need to be "saved" from or bad consequences will happen you have already left the land of love and an equal relationship and women having rights far behind.

    S-J-M August 30, 2024 9:14 pm
    It was not a love relationship. She accepted the marriage to save her sister. Maybe it was his family who created the pressure instead, but when a marriage is something you need to be "saved" from or bad conseq... Evilteddybear

    Are you that dense that you think ANY of that is the problem at hand? Why do people like you even read stories like this with a premise you so deeply dislike already? Go cry somewhere else.

    Boa's left coochie lip August 30, 2024 10:29 pm
    The problem is in how they got together to begin with. He pressured her family into giving him a wife. They had sex cause of his curse. And then he expects her to love him. People in a forced relationship or a ... Evilteddybear

    WHAT are you talking about bro

    Boa's left coochie lip August 30, 2024 10:30 pm
    Lmfao "He pressured her family" bitch he was a wolf unable to change back He didn't pressure her for shit and was surprised when he did change into a human to find he was married. The first time they had sex w... S-J-M

    THANK YOU cause what