Dang she can recognize the similarities of the two but Marinette cant? Wow, Deborah sure is smarter than Marinette (kidding, I know Miraculous Ladybug superheroes have a special power that no one can tell who they are even if they have similar hairstyle or voice as that person other than themselves.)

It's not a manhwa, it's a 3D cartoon(?) series which I suggest you shouldn't give it a watch because at the end of it all, you would wish you hadn't come across it nor watched it.
It's just stupid, lack consistency, betrayal of teaching in each videos, etc.. Plain old bad writing with the creator being the worst.. ( ̄∇ ̄")
I would suggest you read an AU of this series..
Scarlet Lady, it's good.

I read about the spoilers before. So my memories might be a little hazy.
A fake saintess, she is. She's just an ordinary girl who is being used by the empress. To make the pink haired girl a saintess with demonic power(?). I recalled the empress made a deal of some sort with the devil, leading to the pink haired girl to have an ability similar to holy magic. The empress did this in order for her son to become king by having a saintess as his fiancee.
I hope Deborah falls in love with Isidore while he's in disguise. But when Isidore confesses his love for her in his true form, she says, 'I'm sorry, but I like someone else,' not realizing the person she's drawn to has been him in disguise all along. Meanwhile, Isidore is unaware that the person she likes is actually him as well.