any finished manhwa/manga rec? any genre is fine just give me a good one, n...
Unrequited love gl?
does anyone know that title where that knight thought that the maid was eas...
Dear all, I would like to read a beautiful story. Pure and inspiring. Fanta...
To people who read like rape x victim and having the process to go through ...
Need recommendations
What's the alternative name of "a hunter's stamina" or "with a hunter 10 ti...
i only remeber the artstyle but the receiving guy had thick lips and it was an artstyle similar to park hanhoos manager. It had a lot of patterns and designs u would see with tattoos and shit, lines were thicker and it was in black and white with occasional color. I think one was a prostitue and was living with this other guy thta he eventually started dated. fuck and i think i rmeber there being an ugly bastard in it too it had around 30-60 chaps or even more i dont remeber