I dont blame yall

Purky August 18, 2024 12:57 am

I love how this comic is making everyone in the comments a sadist
They just hate Jaekyung that much

    TM 1/26/2020 Targeted August 18, 2024 1:57 pm

    Except me and my friends Tmsm, Aloha and Belovedrose. Jaekyung is misunderstood and didn't mean to rape Dan. As you already know, Jaekyung does not possess the ability to read minds. Or hear Dan's screaming Nos, or see his bleeding ass, or sense Dan trying to get away. Jaekyung is very strong and is just as kind hearted. If he is the best MMZ fighter in Mingwa's world, you would understand that he is also the most gentle and tender hearted.

    Purky August 18, 2024 2:40 pm
    Except me and my friends Tmsm, Aloha and Belovedrose. Jaekyung is misunderstood and didn't mean to rape Dan. As you already know, Jaekyung does not possess the ability to read minds. Or hear Dan's screaming Nos... TM 1/26/2020 Targeted

    Are we talking about the same character here?
    "The most gentle and tender hearted" i almost shed a tear man
    And btw you need to stop defending a character as if its a real person, its not good for your mental health. Have a nice day

    TM joined on 1/26/20 is right August 18, 2024 3:06 pm
    Are we talking about the same character here? "The most gentle and tender hearted" i almost shed a tear man And btw you need to stop defending a character as if its a real person, its not good for your mental h... Purky


    It’s important to clarify that they are not defending a character. The individual in question is a cyberstalker who has stolen my last name and is impersonating me. This person has been listing the names of the actual targets and using gaslighting and strawman arguments to harm them.

    The issue is not about Jaekyung or Jinx—neither one is involved. The real problem is that one of your friends is pretending to be these individuals to cause harm.

    TMSm has not posted since March. Aloha has been a few weeks or so. Belovedrose deleted that account in November. It is your side you are going after.

    Purky August 19, 2024 1:36 pm

    I just got here man
    What the hell are you talking about

    cute.as.ducks August 19, 2024 5:03 pm
    Purky,It’s important to clarify that they are not defending a character. The individual in question is a cyberstalker who has stolen my last name and is impersonating me. This person has been listing the name... TM joined on 1/26/20 is right

    Can you get out of the comments? You're being super creepy.

    Purky August 19, 2024 6:58 pm
    Can you get out of the comments? You're being super creepy. cute.as.ducks

    Bro what is this about?
    Ive seen him all around jinx's comment section commenting on people posts. Why is he doing that???

    TM joined on 1/26/20 is right August 19, 2024 9:04 pm
    Can you get out of the comments? You're being super creepy. cute.as.ducks

    It’s important to focus on the actual issues at hand rather than making broad accusations. Warning others about impersonation and cyberstalking is not "creepy"; it’s an attempt to protect people from being misled or harmed. If you feel uncomfortable, I encourage you to engage in a discussion rather than making assumptions.
    Either you are misunderstanding what is happening or purposely going after a target of cyberstalking. You are going after the wrong one.

    TM joined on 1/26/20 is right August 19, 2024 9:07 pm
    UhhhhI just got here man What the hell are you talking about Purky

    I was clear.
    The first comment is from a cyberstalker who has stolen my previous name and is impersonating me. This person is not genuinely engaging in the discussion about Jaekyung or “Jinx” but rather trying to disrupt and harm by using stolen identities and misleading information. Look at the accounts. They would be different.



    It’s important to clarify that they are not defending a character. The individual in question is a cyberstalker who has stolen my last name and is impersonating me. This person has been listing the names of the actual targets and using gaslighting and strawman arguments to harm them.

    The issue is not about Jaekyung or Jinx—neither one is involved. The real problem is that one of your friends is pretending to be these individuals to cause harm.

    TMSm has not posted since March. Aloha has been a few weeks or so. Belovedrose deleted that account in November. It is your side you are going after.

    TM joined on 1/26/20 is right August 19, 2024 9:26 pm
    Bro what is this about? Ive seen him all around jinx's comment section commenting on people posts. Why is he doing that??? Purky

    "I have seen him all around Jinx's comment section"

    It seems there might be some confusion regarding my involvement in the comments. Let me clarify:

    Clarification on Identity and Activity: I have recently changed my name multiple times due to it being stolen by cyberstalkers. I have not been active in the comments for a few days, so any recent similar comments might not be from me. My focus is on addressing issues related to impersonation and misinformation, not engaging in disruptive behavior. If you had read the warning about these issues, it would provide more context.

    Understanding the Activity: The significant activity you’re observing is due to multiple accounts operated by cyberstalkers who are impersonating targets, including myself. Recognizing that these impersonators are creating confusion is crucial. My intention is to address this problem and foster a constructive dialogue.

    Concerns and Suspicion: I find the situation suspicious. My name is new, and we, the targets, have barely commented. This raises the possibility that either there is a misunderstanding or you might be aware of more than you are letting on. For instance, your comment yesterday on a topic that has been removed suggested knowledge of details kind of said a few months ago.

    Regardless of suspicions, the real issue remains cyberstalking and impersonation. We do not share the opinions of these impersonators and strongly condemn their actions. If our suspicions about who might be behind this are correct, it implies there is a connection between you and the individuals involved in cyberstalking.

    If you have further questions or concerns, I’m open to discussing them. Let’s focus on addressing the core issues of cyberstalking and misinformation rather than misinterpreting intentions. That is why I am trying to clarify the misunderstanding and giving you a chance because I don't want to be misinterpreting your intentions. How you respond will help clarify whether these suspicions are correct or not.

    Purky August 19, 2024 9:58 pm

    I aint reading all dat, the fuck?
    What am i supposed to do if youre getting cyberstalked? Should i call the police or somthing?? Do you want a hug???
    Bro the hell you telling me all that for?

    TM joined on 1/26/20 is right August 19, 2024 11:28 pm
    I aint reading all dat, the fuck? What am i supposed to do if youre getting cyberstalked? Should i call the police or somthing?? Do you want a hug??? Bro the hell you telling me all that for? Purky

    I was trying to figure out why you have not tagged me and I forgot I had you blocked. I think you read all of that.

    What are you supposed to know? Well that is why I told you in my first comment, which is the three comment here.

    Should you call the police. Sure great. Love for you too. Cyberstalking is a crime

    Do I want a hug? No.

    Why I am telling this for? I don't know what you are referring to and you said you did not read it all (when you did).
    that first part is about cyberstalking so... why i am telling this for because you are not going to know unless I tell you.

    my message of cyberstalking was to inform you that you responded to an impersonator. The intention was to help you distinguish between genuine and fake comments. Understanding and addressing cyberstalking is important for everyone’s safety. Your replies are concerning. This is not hard to understand either.

    Purky August 20, 2024 2:31 pm

    Uh huh, that's crazyyyy
    I am happy for you bro or i am sorry that happened (Whichever fits is right)

    pigglypoof August 23, 2024 11:13 pm
    UhhhhI just got here man What the hell are you talking about Purky

    I can clarify this for you. They say "your side" and "your friends" because they have interacted with you before on a different account. You remember the user/s from long long ago who said there is no rape in Jinx? Well, you can bet they remember you. They have your username engraved in their minds. That's why this alt has you blocked even though you have never directly interacted with it.

    Purky August 24, 2024 1:39 am
    I can clarify this for you. They say "your side" and "your friends" because they have interacted with you before on a different account. You remember the user/s from long long ago who said there is no rape in J... pigglypoof

    Damn i wonder what i said that made them so mad they blocked me
    Thanks for the explanation dude

    TM joined on 1/26/20 is right August 24, 2024 2:22 am

    Addressing (Pigglypoof) PP's Comment:

    PP's response is an attempt to stir up drama and spread falsehoods, which only further proves their intentions. PP has a history of gaslighting and harassing targets, despite claiming otherwise. The fact that PP felt the need to resurrect a dead thread just to make baseless accusations only highlights their need for conflict. PP seems to have misunderstood or ignored the reality of the situation, despite being corrected multiple times. We said "your side" and "your friends" because we know who is behind this harassment. PP’s narrative of "interacting on a different account" is a fabrication. The real issue here is not about the characters or the storyline—it’s about continued attempts to cause harm with false information and harassment. Mangago's system makes it easy to find threads by popularity, date, and last reply. Links can also be shared, and email notifications exist, so pretending that this interaction was some targeted act doesn't add up. I only responded to warn others about cyberstalking. Instead of letting go of the past, PP is holding onto it with hatred and accusations that don’t match reality. PP's fixation on usernames reveals more about their own obsession. This isn't about differing opinions or past interactions—this is about people continuing to harass others with false accusations. It's time to move on and stop causing unnecessary conflict. I do have a main account, and that account has never directly interacted with Purky. We are not the original target that PP is obsessed with. It's odd that PP knows this, which suggests coordinated harassment. Funny how PP's only comment is harassment on targets where they had to dig to find this thread. PP has shown their intentions here. Honestly, I don't even remember why I had Purky blocked. All the targets tried to talk to Purky. Purky encouraged harassment instead of letting things go. One of the targets still civilly engaged with Purky. While Purky may troll, he isn't currently harassing or cyberstalking us. It’s seriously weird how PP is keeping track of our interactions—or lack thereof—with different users.
    Now that Purky has responded, it's clear either Purky let himself be gaslighted by PP, or this was purposeful, as he should know PP was lying. Purky did lose a friend by encouraging harassment towards the targets, especially when they tried to find common ground with him to move past the conflict and harassment. Despite Purky's previous tantrum, MD has still talked to him after, demonstrating that the issue here isn't as PP has claimed. I don't know why I have Purky blocked. My friend didn't have Purky blocked.

    TM joined on 1/26/20 is right August 24, 2024 2:40 am

    Also, MD, the target, doesn’t have Purky blocked—in fact, none of them blocked Purky. Plus, Purky hasn’t been that active on this page since my account was created. I don’t even remember being on his profile. Purky knows the targets that PP mentioned tried to work things out with him. He rejected those attempts, but he also knew that MD talked to him afterward. So why would Purky believe PP’s lies? Why would Purky let himself be gaslighted?

    pigglypoof August 24, 2024 5:24 am

    Well well well, look at that. Buddy literally proved me right. They remember every interaction you've had with those other accounts and they're still mad you didn't react the way they wanted.

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right August 24, 2024 6:02 am

    it’s funny how PP is trying so hard to turn this into something bigger than it is. PP seems really invested in making this about “being right,” but honestly, it’s more amusing than anything. This isn’t about anyone being mad. People just moved on, but here they are, still holding onto the past. It’s like they are trying to revive a show that got canceled years ago. We’re just here wondering why PP is so dedicated to a drama that doesn’t need to exist and would never exist if people talked instead of gaslighting attacking others. Maybe it’s time to take a step back and realize that this back-and-forth isn’t doing any good for anyone.

    Purky August 24, 2024 6:06 pm

    Yall. this is a semi-illegal website that posts stolen drawn porn
    What are yall doing making bigass paragraphs that are lowkey unreadable about some stupid petty drama
    Please just chill out and find a hobby cuz this is hella sad

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right August 24, 2024 7:18 pm
    Yall. this is a semi-illegal website that posts stolen drawn porn What are yall doing making bigass paragraphs that are lowkey unreadable about some stupid petty drama Please just chill out and find a hobby cu... Purky

    Purky, if you're going to respond, at least make sure it connects to the actual conversation and reality instead of deflecting. That is what truly sad.

    It’s ironic you mention hobbies while engaging in the same discussion. Let’s keep things real—deflecting from the truth or reality isn’t helping anyone.