chat it's been alr on ch 53 I have not seen a hint of character development 😭 btw tho f...

your mom ☆ August 17, 2024 11:02 pm

chat it's been alr on ch 53 I have not seen a hint of character development btw tho fr is this the first bl w the top not showing any interest so late into the plot? like I've read stories w non interested tops but most of them start showing interest by atleast 15 or 20 chapters in but I haven't seen any development in jaekyung yet. Is it save to assume that he's not the end game for Dan or is there any other suitable suitors? I honestly cannot see jaekyun falling for Dan

    zombie August 18, 2024 4:41 am

    They will def be endgame… it’ll get there eventually with season 2 (check creators note she likes the suffering before the good stuff) yeah like jaekyung is an asshole in the entire s1 but there’s the hints of possessiveness and bits of him looking out for Dan (don’t correct me and let me soak in my delusions) IT WILL GET THERE!!!!!!!!

    your mom ☆ August 18, 2024 5:54 am
    They will def be endgame… it’ll get there eventually with season 2 (check creators note she likes the suffering before the good stuff) yeah like jaekyung is an asshole in the entire s1 but there’s the hi... zombie

    LMAO let's pray we see character redemption soon

    Sakura August 18, 2024 11:00 am

    Like author said;
    The slower the burn,
    The sweeter the redemption.

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right August 18, 2024 11:12 am

    We are in the middle of the story.
    And some people understand there is character development here.
    This shows a few areas of character development. From the potential redemption to the regression. Character development doesn’t always have to be positive. This moral decline or complexity is caused by facing internal conflicts that caused a negative development to allow further evolution.

    Character development isn't limited to positive growth. Negative development, like moral decline or the deepening of negative traits, can be just as significant in a character's journey. These shifts, often driven by internal conflicts, can add layers of complexity to a character and set the stage for further evolution, whether that leads to eventual redemption, continued decline, or something else entirely. Recognizing these nuances in character development helps in understanding the character's overall arc and the story's broader themes.
    And it is a slow burn.

    TM 1/26/2020 Targeted August 18, 2024 1:41 pm

    A cyberstalker under the guise of "Mornind Diamonds" is indeed a cyberstalker who has been involved in harassment. Their attempt to frame others and misrepresent the facts only highlights their ongoing efforts to deflect from their own misconduct.
    If Morning diamond is truly honest, they should come forward with their alr accounts rather than hiding behind stolen identities and false claims about their targets.
    This tactic is just another example of their attempts to avoid responsibility and mislead others. The focus should remain on addressing the harassment and ensuring that accurate information is shared.
    The Cyberstalkers mock, harm, and misrepresent targets, making constructive dialogue difficult. They spread falsehood that only fits them as they are deflecting.

    It’s important to recognize that the ongoing cyberstalking is a reflection of the stalker’s own insecurities and personal issues rather than any genuine conflict with the targets who is the whole of this comment section. The cyberstalker’s actions seem to stem from a grudge or a reaction to being proven wrong and called out for their behavior. Their attempts to impersonate targets and disrupt conversations highlight their own discomfort and insecurity.
    Rather than focusing on the targets, the cyberstalker should address their own issues and let go of their vendetta. Their behavior only exposes their own self-doubt and internal struggles. It’s clear that their actions are more about their personal dissatisfaction than any real issues with the individuals they are targeting.

    Let’s continue to focus on maintaining a respectful and constructive dialogue. We should avoid engaging with individuals who are clearly acting out of personal animus and remain committed to positive interactions.