Can someone explain to me what guideverse is? I've been reading the s class guide as sweet...

Im_reading_lol August 17, 2024 2:15 pm

Can someone explain to me what guideverse is? I've been reading the s class guide as sweet as honey and don't understand shi

    Gummy_bear August 17, 2024 2:21 pm

    It’s a shitty rip off of the omega verse. Basically, hunters or whatever they’re called are people with powers, and the stronger your power is, the better the “guide” you need, the guide role is to replenish the hunters power, and they basically do that by having sex.

    Im_reading_lol August 17, 2024 2:31 pm
    It’s a shitty rip off of the omega verse. Basically, hunters or whatever they’re called are people with powers, and the stronger your power is, the better the “guide” you need, the guide role is to repl... Gummy_bear


    PrettyMenSupremacy August 17, 2024 2:31 pm

    Basically dungeons and monsters start appearing and people manifest as “espers” and “guides”, their power are measured in class, ABCDF. The higher the grade the more power.
    Espers are usually treated like hunters cause of the skills they possess and their roles are to clear out the monsters.

    But over using their power is dangerous and thus they need guides to help them recover. Guiding most consist of physical contact, but the more contact the more guiding, depend on the esper’s situation.

    There are also compatibilities, the higher the esper and guide’s compatibility rate, the better the guiding.

    Jasper ◕`ε´◕  August 17, 2024 2:37 pm

    Sooo basically.....
    In the guideverse world.
    There exist 3 kind of people
    Esper, guide and normal human

    S class Espers are hard to find morelike S-class Espers are quite rare to manifest and there are only a few of them. S-class Espers are the strongest among the A,B,C....etc classes. (Also exist SS and SSS class too)
    S-class Espers powers are soo powerful that sometimes they go berserk as in loses control of their power.... Not only S-class Espers but also other Espers but since S-class Espers are very powerful they also at the same time have a hard time to manage their power.
    Guide- this are those who handles in calming the Espers down. Just like how Espers has Classes, Guide also do have. S-class Guide aree supperrrr rare to find and are the best ones among the other class guides for their power in calming n regulating the Esper's power is highand fast.

    They're compatibility:
    S class Espers need class s or class A guides becoz since the power of S class are very powerful low classes guides will have a very difficult time n may lose their live while guiding the S class Espers. Somtimes B class Guides can also guide(calm) S class but if the guiding process takes a lot of time B or lower class guides won't be able to handle them.

    Guide verse takes place in the world where portals suddenly open and monsters started invading humans. (If u've read "solo levelling" u'll understand what S-class espers are for but in this manhwa 'solo levelling' guides don't exist since it's not a bL manhwa)

    Guideverse in BL consist of guides unlike straight, isekai or fighting manhwa or other

    Im_reading_lol August 17, 2024 3:54 pm
    Sooo basically.....In the guideverse world.There exist 3 kind of people Esper, guide and normal humanS class Espers are hard to find morelike S-class Espers are quite rare to manifest and there are only a few o... Jasper ◕`ε´◕ 

    Thank you smmm, and yes I've read solo Leveling and I thought everything will be similar to it. That's why I was super confused