Sounds like you’re own story line, but from a random pov from this manga reader. Can I just say, is it rly that terrifying to start again? Ask yourself what’s scary about that? Pinpoint it, and once again I would say, in your current situation are you genuinely happy? You feel safe and cherish? Are they worth your continued effort and love? Do you feel seen and heard. Are they willing to compromise ? Did you see them at their lowest ? Vice versa, and how did they react with inconveniences, angry? Calm? Do you feel his love in the words he says and his actions match up? Does your heart still gets fluffy n soft with him? The love is still there, and still growing strong? When you have arguments are you both able to get what you feel across without hurting the other and if you do. You both recognize and make up? I say this bc this is how I have my current fiancé (they’re gender neutral) , and we just hit 4 years wishing nothing but blessings for you fellow reader
I can honestly relate to the complicated situation of the characters. I, for one, is a closeted bisexual because I hate how society's notion of homosexuality works in a country where majority of the religion arr Christians. But, aside from this, I just came to terms with my sexual orientation few years ago. The only one who knows are my bff and girl crush at wlrk. Lol. So for the complicated situation, I am in a long distance relationship for 7 years. It's quite a while and I'm getting tired of this LDR situation. I can't seem to give it up, because I can't imagine myself starting from square one. But, I sometimes find myself overthinking about my girl crush at work who knows that I have a crush on her. She inspires me everyday. I am sometimes torn about the ideas of "what ifs". We spend alot of times together and some of the people actually thought that we're dating. I know she's also in the "comphet" notion. I also feel that our feelings "might" be mutual because we're just so comfy with each other like a sis, bestfriend and a lover. There were a couple of hints. Just spending time with her feels too precious. But yes, I have a LDR boyfriend and having second thoughts is a big no. She knows it too. We're in a complicated situation. I told my crush that being her girl best friend works well for both of us. It's a forever thing. She didn't reject me confessing to her. I kept overthinking about this difficult situation and last Saturday was the last straw. I decided to stop all my daydream of being with her for more than just friend. It's a bad idea. Being in a dilemma. Destroying what we have is the least choice. I am in the middle of moving on with my feelings for her. I have to come to terms with it. But, she will continue to inspire me. I hope that I won't falter because just seeing her at work keeps me going. As for my boyfriend, I do love him. He does his best. I hope we can all survive the complicated situations we have in every relationship.