What the hell was that ?!!!!

RAIGN7 March 15, 2017 1:36 pm

the plot is absoloutely disgusting , uke is loose the seme is just scum of the earth and the other one is foolishely cute !! they could have done much a better job with the storyline , too bad the art is beautiful though .

    Anonymous March 15, 2017 1:42 pm

    Just because it's a published work doesn't mean it's a masterpiece. Yeah this story was poorly written, but it wasn't intended to be critiqued on a high level anyway. There are still aspects of it that others would enjoy if it is not taken seriously.

    RAIGN7 March 15, 2017 3:30 pm

    i get your point , it's just i am disappointed with the outcome cause i really like the art , anyhow did you enjoy it ?? i dunno maybe others like this but personally i wouldn't participate in a threesome with the "subject of my interest" , i'm not the sharing type , plus i'm not sure it's a good idea to do this with someone you meet on a daily basis,, well maybe i'm just old fashioned

    anonymous March 16, 2017 4:01 pm
    Just because it's a published work doesn't mean it's a masterpiece. Yeah this story was poorly written, but it wasn't intended to be critiqued on a high level anyway. There are still aspects of it that others w... @Anonymous

    Ok, but everyone have the right to express their opinion, whether negative or positive. I don't get your attitude. Only those who like a manga should comment? Only positive comment should be allowed? You don't get to tell other what they can write or not in a public site.

    Anonymous March 17, 2017 5:25 pm
    Just because it's a published work doesn't mean it's a masterpiece. Yeah this story was poorly written, but it wasn't intended to be critiqued on a high level anyway. There are still aspects of it that others w... @Anonymous

    i don't agree with you...
    come on, some people need to learn that comments can be some critics and not always praises... seriously -_- everyone have the right to write their opinions in here.

    Akai March 26, 2017 5:43 pm

    I understand it may not be your cup of tea, but I feel you are critiquing it for the wrong reason. If morally, or emotionally you don't like threesomes, because you have jealous tendencies, then that doesn't necessarily mean the plot is terrible.
    Personally the plot has some good points, and I think it works fine for a one shot. When I critique a movie, I critique their cinematography; their shots, and angles. I critique the lines they speak, however, a disgusting plot has to do with someones personal feel for it, not for its actual ability. A weak plot is different, that tends to be general for everyone.
    You can feel that it isn't your favorite and threesomes are gross, what I getting at is, it's really only disgusting to certain types of people, but the storyline itself in general, was actually not bad.

    Eva Mark 06 April 21, 2017 1:29 pm
    I understand it may not be your cup of tea, but I feel you are critiquing it for the wrong reason. If morally, or emotionally you don't like threesomes, because you have jealous tendencies, then that doesn't ne... @Akai

    Totally agree with you