
Why would the mc talk to Minwoo about his sex life when he knows Minwoo is in love with him? He sees Minwoo as a friend and therefore does not want to hurt his feelings even more which I think is understandable. Secondly, he might just find it uncomfortable since he is aware of Minwoos feelings, which is also fair.
AND Minwoo just tried to mark mc, so I think he did seriously cross the line.
why r u guys hating on minwoo so much? don't get me wrong, i don't ship the best friend with mc but it's unfair to disregard his genuine feelings for the mc just because his meddling is getting quite annoying. I'm just saying that his overprotectiveness brought immense benefits to the mc all these years they were together! Mc didn't ask for his kindness as a real good friend but dang even mc's sister is grateful for Minwoo's help as a substitute for mc's guardian whenever she's busy and can't always look out for her little brother (i know it wasnt even mentioned but logically speaking bro). She might have a few opinions of her own but she doesn't complain because it's not like Minwoo harbor ill thoughts towards mc (exept that he kisses the mc while he's asleep TT). It's a sure fact that the sister trusted Minwoo enough that he won't pull anything weird in exchange for letting him sleep together with her already big boy in one bed as grown ass adults.
Ppl keep saying mc is all grown up and should be independent but you missed the argument regarding CONSENT. The sister is consenting their UNUSUAL relationship (i don't believe she doesn't know that their behavior is beyond just friends but she's clearly letting it go since minwoo knows his boundaries and her brother is clueless). And for god's sake, blaming another person for not having many friends? Really? You're big enough to care less about disappointing one person. You're big enough to speak up and express your preferences. And you're certainly big enough to man up when your rights are overstepped. Please,,,minwoo should've been not tolerated if only MC has the courage to talk him out of it.
Secondly, MC is fucking OKAY and USED to the situation of their FRIENDLY INTIMACY, consensual it is. And don't get me started of MCs strange lack of communication. Why is it awkward for him to just say that he's fuck buddy with the male lead? 3ven if it's unnecessary, it should be casually normal for best friends to talk about it. WHY KEEP IT A SECRET? When Minwoo didn't even confess himself yet? MC should have no problem bringing up his sex life to his oh so concerned best friend who at first have no idea why he's acting differently (def jelly when he figured out). Think about it guys. Don't be such a BS. Everyone has their own faults alright. Unless Minwoo acts up and seriously crossed the line, I can absolutely arbitrarily hate him lmao, nothing of sort yet occurred so...I can still pardon his meddling. He's pitiful guys, come on, we all know he's gonna end up crying in the end HAHA.
MC is a bit dumb (love him tho)
Minwoo is suffocating (salute to him tho)
ML is a kinky bastard (damn that sexy bod:3)