It's soo wordy

Orochi21 August 17, 2024 2:24 am

I feel like I'm reading a novel instead of a manga. There's so many speech bubbles cuz all they do is blabber. Can't there be action already? Yeesh I got so tired reading each speech bubble cuz all they talk about is basically the same thing over and over.

    its.rxbekahh August 17, 2024 6:26 am

    maybe it's just me because i grew up reading novels before realizing libraries also offer comics/manga but i like the fact that WT is one of those thinking-type stories. after literally 200-smtg chapters of the rank wars for tama 2 to secure 2nd place (and the anime as well for ur visual action fix), i would argue thats more than enough action.

    i also like all these character interactions mikumo/chika/hyuse/kuga are getting with other HQ members they wldn't have necessarily had if they stay in their little protagonist group. one of the huge factors that drew me in was the huge character cast, each individual feeling really fleshed out instead of just ur usual side characters. really fleshes out the world

    ofc there's the option of just letting chapters pile up (that might take 2 years min lmao) so u can skip the 'boring' parts

    reconnect September 4, 2024 9:02 pm
    maybe it's just me because i grew up reading novels before realizing libraries also offer comics/manga but i like the fact that WT is one of those thinking-type stories. after literally 200-smtg chapters of the... its.rxbekahh

    completely agree! ^^