THIS! I usually agree that a story is a story and in a way I still do but I just don't see the ML being redeemable in any way. Whether its a mental disorder, physical or whatever, that doesn't change or excuse the fact that the ML is garbage. And abusing someone, ruthless alpha bs or not, is morally and generally wrong and that goes for all of these sorts of stories, not just this.
I'm still gonna continue to see where this goes but it's giving a very generic storyline and I'm pretty sure I've already read a couple of stories with exactly the same plot as this. So yeah there's probably going be nothing much to expect but for them to blame it on childhood trauma or mental issues.
Of course this story is going the fucking ableist route of “personality disorders make you abusive”. I lost any remaining goodwill I felt.
Uploader, people are allowed to write stories, but people are also allowed to criticize them - it’s not purely about a character being evil, but whether or not people feel that it is actually well written. I genuinely cannot imagine anything that would make the top redeemable in ANY capacity, and the fact that the author has thrown in that he has a personality disorder to explain his toxicness/abuse makes it look like extremely poor writing. Especially one that is so severely stigmatized IRL.